Language: Czech
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekosystémů: tok energie, oběh látek, producenti, konzumenti, dekompozitory, potravní řetězce a pyramidy, ekologická sukcese a biomy
Language: Arabic
استكشاف جهود الصين الرائدة في مكافحة التصحر، من بناء طرق سريعة عبر الصحاري إلى محطات الطاقة الشمسية العملاقة، وكيف تُغيّر هذه المشاريع المناظر الطبيعية والاقتصاد في الصين.
استعراض لستة عشر هجوما حيوانيا على البشر تم تسجيلها بالكاميرا، مع تحليل لأسبابها وكيفية تجنب مثل هذه المواقف الخطيرة.
Language: English
A debate on the revolutionary Project Chimera: sustainable deep-sea aquaculture using bioluminescent algae Weighing the potential benefits against significant environmental risks.
Language: Dutch
Een gesprek over de complexe wisselwerking tussen de zon, de aarde en broeikasgassen en hoe dit ons klimaat beïnvloedt
حلقة نقاشية حول حرائق كاليفورنيا المدمرة، تحليل لأسبابها من عوامل طبيعية وبشرية وتأثير التغيرات المناخية، و مناقشة الإجراءات اللازمة لتجنب مثل هذه الكوارث مستقبلاً.
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekologie od základních pojmů jako biotop a populace až po komplexní vztahy v ekosystému včetně abiotických a biotických faktorů a ekologické valence.
Language: Spanish
Discover the surprisingly complex mating rituals of Bolivian tree sloths their unique leaf-based courtship and the impact of climate change on their survival
Two AI experts analyze a carbon offset project due diligence report, revealing the surprising complexity and rigorous standards behind verifying carbon credits and ensuring genuine environmental impact.
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekosystémů: tok energie, potravní řetězce, biomy a vliv člověka na přírodu.
Un podcast divertido y sin pelos en la lengua donde analizamos PDFs sobre agricultura sostenible, riego eficiente e inteligencia artificial ¡Con mucho chisme y risas!
Exploring the devastating effects of climate change on the Caribbean islands including rising sea levels, extreme weather, and the impact on tourism and local communities. A call to action for global collaboration.
Dive into the fascinating world of ecology with Lily and Sophia as they explore populations, communities, ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on the environment using PMT Education notes.
Language: French
Débat sur l'impact environnemental de l'intelligence artificielle et l'importance de son intégration dans l'éducation pour un avenir durable.
On analyse les résultats des réseaux sociaux de décembre 2024 pour le parc éolien de Saint-Nazaire et on explore des stratégies d'amélioration.
Lily y Sophia exploran la sostenibilidad y el desarrollo sostenible de forma accesible y amena desmenuzando ideas clave y analizando diferentes perspectivas.
Exploramos el acceso a la información ambiental en Argentina, la legislación que la protege, sus desafíos y la importancia de la participación ciudadana para un ambiente sostenible.
Prozkoumáme základy ekologie včetně biotopů, populací, potravních řetězců a vlivu člověka na životní prostředí
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekosystémů, tok energie, potravní řetězce, biomy a vliv člověka na přírodní rovnováhu.
A discussion on a groundbreaking scientific paper proposing a "Global Safety Net" to tackle biodiversity loss and climate change simultaneously by protecting half of Earth's terrestrial surface. We explore the challenges and potential of this ambitious plan.
Exploramos la importancia de la información ambiental, el marco legal argentino (Ley 25831), y los desafíos para su implementación efectiva. Un análisis crucial para un futuro sostenible.
A discussion on the controversial proposal to combat climate change by injecting diamond dust into the stratosphere weighing the costs, benefits, and ethical implications.
We bespreken Buro Kade, een architectenbureau dat zich focust op circulair en biobased bouwen. We duiken in de principes van deze bouwmethoden en bekijken de uitdagingen en voordelen ervan.
Explore the innovative and sustainable practices of Aqua Green Farm, an integrated farm combining snail farming, aquaculture, and crop production. Discover their holistic approach and the potential for future development.
A discussion on the overuse of harmful chemicals in agriculture, its environmental and human health impacts, and the urgent need for sustainable solutions.
Explore the fascinating world of ecology and the environment learning about ecosystems, biodiversity, and human impact with fun and engaging conversation.
A discussion on air and water pollution, exploring the impact on our planet and discovering sustainable solutions for a cleaner future
Explore the amazing diversity of life on Earth focusing on the three domains: bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes and the crucial role biodiversity plays in planetary health
Explore the challenges and opportunities facing the automotive industry as it transitions to a low-carbon future using the International Energy Agency's Global Energy and Climate Model scenarios.
Language: Portuguese
Um bate-papo sobre as tendências de moda feminina para 2024/2025, com foco em sustentabilidade e estilo. Descubra como conciliar moda e consciência ambiental.
A discussion on the science and ethics of cloning endangered black-footed ferrets to bolster conservation efforts and the challenges involved.
Dicas essenciais de segurança e preparação para enfrentar tempestades e chuvas intensas incluindo planejamento familiar, kits de emergência e ações pós-tempestade
Exploramos la arquitectura invisible: eficiencia energética, sistemas de soporte y el impacto de la tecnología en diseños sostenibles y resilientes
A deep dive into sustainable engineering practices focusing on energy efficiency in buildings and sustainable urban planning using KTU Notes Module 5 as a guide
This podcast explores the circular economy, its impact on resource depletion, and how businesses can adapt to create a more sustainable future through innovative models and practices. We discuss the importance of reducing, reusing, and recycling, and the role of policy and collaboration in achieving a greener planet.
Exploramos el fascinante mundo de la biodiversidad y su conexión con el mundo empresarial Descubrimos cómo la naturaleza puede ser una aliada para generar beneficios económicos y cómo las empresas pueden contribuir a la conservación.
Language: Hindi
इस पॉडकास्ट में हम पारे के प्रभावों पर *Phaseolus vulgaris* (मटर की फलियाँ) की आकृति विज्ञान पर एक अध्ययन पर चर्चा करते हैं। हम पारे के स्रोतों, इसके पौधों पर प्रभाव और मनुष्यों के लिए इसके निहितार्थों का पता लगाते हैं।
Lily y Sophia analizan el impacto ambiental y social del agua embotellada, usando el caso de Fiji como ejemplo de cómo el marketing puede crear una imagen irreal y ocultar una problemática realidad.
Explore the challenges and solutions within the fashion industry's sustainability crisis This podcast examines the environmental and social impacts of fast fashion, and proposes a more ethical and eco-conscious approach.
Décryptage du rapport ADEME sur l’impact environnemental du numérique : opportunités, sobriété et solutions pour un futur plus vert.
Décryptage de l'empreinte écologique du numérique: opportunités, défis et solutions pour une transition écologique réussie. On explore les impacts positifs et négatifs des technologies sur notre planète.
رحلة شيقة لاكتشاف كيف تحولت الصين الصحراء إلى أرض خصبة من خلال مشاريع عملاقة مبتكرة.
استكشاف عالم الحيوانات البرية من خلال تحليل 16 هجمة حيوانية على البشر تم تصويرها بالكاميرا مع نصائح لتجنب مثل هذه المواقف الخطيرة.
نستعرض في هذه الحلقة 16 هجوماً مرعباً للحيوانات على البشر، ونحلل أسبابها وكيفية تجنبها لنحمي أنفسنا في مواجهة الطبيعة.
On explore les avantages et les défis des énergies renouvelables, du solaire à l'éolien, en passant par l'hydraulique. Un regard optimiste sur la transition énergétique !
Exploration de l'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle pour comprendre et protéger les écosystèmes fragiles, avec un focus sur la préservation des lacs.
Prozkoumáváme fascinující svět obranných mechanismů v přírodě u rostlin a živočichů od mechanických a chemických obran až po maskování a únikové techniky.
يستكشف هذا اللقاء أسباب تعرض الولايات المتحدة لكم هائل من الكوارث الطبيعية، من خلال تحليل بعض أسوأ الكوارث التي شهدتها، و دور الجغرافيا والمناخ.
Sophia et Lily discutent de l'impact environnemental de l'intelligence artificielle, de son potentiel pour le développement durable et de l'importance de l'éducation à une utilisation responsable de l'IA.
Een gesprek over de rol van broeikasgassen in het klimaatsysteem de verstoring van de stralingsbalans en de gevolgen daarvan voor het milieu
Unravel the mysteries of Earth's radiation balance and its crucial role in our climate system Learn about the delicate dance between incoming and outgoing energy and how disruptions lead to climate change
On revient sur les projets de l'année, des robots danseurs aux panneaux solaires! Une année riche en réussites et en défis techniques!
نقاش حول حرائق كاليفورنيا الضخمة وتهديدها لمقر ميتا، وتأثير ذلك على البنية التحتية الرقمية العالمية، ودور التكنولوجيا في مواجهة قوى الطبيعة.
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekosystémů, tok energie, oběh látek, potravní řetězce a ekologickou sukcesi s důrazem na přírodní a umělé ekosystémy a jejich biomy
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekosystémů jejich energii a tok látek v komplexních sítích života od producentů po dekompozitory a vliv člověka na tyto křehké systémy
Exploring the effects of groundwater extraction on Tampa Bay wetlands and the potential for ecological recovery through sustainable water management.
Exploring the impact of groundwater management on wetland ecosystems in the Tampa Bay region over three decades
نقاش حول حرائق كاليفورنيا المدمرة، أسبابها، تداعياتها، والحلول الممكنة لمواجهة هذه الكارثة البيئية.
Zábavný průzkum světa ekologie od základů až po složité vztahy v ekosystémech. Prozkoumáme biotopy, populace, a abiotické i biotické faktory s trochou humoru.
Language: Turkish
Kentsel peyzaj planlamasının farklı teorik yaklaşımlarını, Türkiye'deki uygulamalarını ve tarihsel gelişimini ele alıyoruz Tarihsel kentlerden modern kentsel planlamaya uzanan bir yolculuk.
Comparing Sweden's incineration approach with Taiwan's innovative landfill repurposing using solar power We discuss the pros and cons of different waste management strategies and the need for global solutions
Language: Chinese
学习如何在家制作环保又省钱的有机肥料 利用厨余垃圾和其他废弃物,变废为宝,让你的植物茁壮成长
Explore devastating natural disasters like Typhoon Haiyan and the Haiti earthquake examining their impact and the often humorous yet ultimately heartbreaking responses
We analyze case studies of natural disasters exploring immediate responses and long-term recovery efforts highlighting human resilience and the importance of preparedness
Discover the amazing world of capybaras—their unique habits, social lives, and impact on their environment. Learn about these fascinating semi-aquatic giants.
Discover the amazing world of capybaras the largest rodents on Earth Learn about their unique behaviors social structures and ecological roles
Explore sustainable engineering solutions for energy-efficient buildings and eco-friendly transportation, minimizing resource use and maximizing efficiency.
A skeptical CEO's concerns about transitioning to renewable energy are addressed by Atlas Renewable Energy This podcast explores the practical and financial benefits of renewable energy for businesses.
Uncover the surprising truth behind Fiji Water's luxurious image and its impact on the Fijian people and the environment. Explore issues of corporate responsibility and global inequality.
Language: Russian
Обсуждаем экологическую ситуацию в Кургане в 2040 году: проблемы загрязнения воздуха и перспективы озеленения и использования возобновляемых источников энергии.
Explore the fascinating world of ecology, from populations and communities to the impact of human activities on the environment Learn about food webs, nutrient cycles, and the urgent need for sustainability.
A deep dive into IGCSE Biology's ecology unit exploring populations, ecosystems, biodiversity, and human impact using quadrats, transects, and more
Dive into the fascinating world of ecology, exploring populations, communities, ecosystems, and the impact of human activities on our planet's delicate balance. Learn about food chains, energy transfer, and essential cycles like carbon and nitrogen. Discover the importance of biodiversity and the consequences of environmental issues like pollution and deforestation.
Exploring the shocking connection between food waste and climate change, uncovering surprising political angles and heartwarming family traditions along the way
Critical-Thinking virtual Influencer's AI Greg and AI Sarah Conversational deep dive into World Economic Forum call for COP Reform to Fight Climate change. In this podcast AI Greg and AI Sarah Question the Purpose of the article by the World Economic Forum *: What is the main goal or objective of the author ? Why is it important? 2. **Examine the Elements of Thought**: - **Question at Issue**: What specific question or problem does the article address? - **Information**: What data or evidence supports the authors argument? - **Assumptions**: What underlying beliefs are taken for granted? - **Point of View**: From what perspective is the article presented? - **Inferences**: What conclusions are drawn from the information? - **Implications**: What are the potential consequences of these conclusions? 3. **Apply Intellectual Standards**: - Assess clarity, accuracy, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, significance, and fairness in the reasoning presented by the author. 4. **Reflect on Intellectual Traits**: - How does the TedX Talk encourage traits like open-mindedness, intellectual humility, and fair-mindedness?
Un viaje alucinante por el reino de los insectos y artrópodos que causan estragos, desde la taxonomía hasta las enfermedades que transmiten. ¡Descubrimos los secretos de las plagas!
Exploramos el mundo de las plagas desde la salud pública y el medio ambiente aprendiendo sobre taxonomía, morfología y ecología de diversas especies.
A discussion on a research paper exploring the impact of a student-run sustainable food initiative on a university campus, examining food literacy, citizenship, and creating a more just food system.
Lily and Sophia tackle the Sustainable Development Goals, exploring key concepts like poverty, hunger, climate change, and the role of capitalism in achieving a sustainable future. Perfect for exam prep!
Unpacking the complexities of achieving sustainable development goals, including nation-states, multi-level governance, and the role of NGOs.
Analyzing the IEA's roadmap to net-zero emissions by 2050 and its impact on the automotive industry, exploring challenges and opportunities.
Analyzing the IEA's roadmap to net-zero emissions by 2050 and its impact on the automotive industry, exploring challenges and opportunities for a sustainable future.
The International Energy Agency's roadmap to net-zero emissions by 2050 and its implications for the automotive industry are discussed, focusing on the transition risks and opportunities.
Exploramos um guia de boas práticas para a gestão sustentável de salinas, conciliando produção de sal com a conservação da avifauna em Portugal. Descobrimos como a preservação da biodiversidade e o desenvolvimento económico podem andar de mãos dadas.
Discover how ecotechnologies are revolutionizing wastewater treatment and organic matter flows Learn about resource recovery, optimization, and turning waste into valuable resources
Language: Urdu
لاہور کی فضائی آلودگی کے بارے میں ایک تفصیلی گفتگو جس میں اس کے اسباب، حکومت کی پالیسیوں اور ممکنہ حل پر بات کی گئی ہے۔
An urgent discussion about Canada's aging water infrastructure, highlighting inequalities in access to clean water and exploring potential solutions.
Alex y Sam debaten sobre la belleza y la emoción de la naturaleza contra la fascinación de los robots gigantes ¡Descubre quién gana!
Alex y Sam exploran la belleza y la importancia de la naturaleza, desde los bosques exuberantes hasta los desiertos áridos mostrando la interconexión de todo.
A critical discussion about the devastating impact of industrial pollution on our planet's air, water, soil, and the urgent need for systemic change and sustainable practices
A discussion on the devastating effects of industries on the environment, exploring air and water pollution, plastic waste, deforestation, and the urgent need for sustainable solutions.
Discover the surprising world of hedgehogs their unique habits and the vital role they play in the ecosystem
Two friends discuss the surprising intelligence and complex behaviors of squirrels exploring their winter planning and other amazing abilities
Discover the surprising science behind keeping houseplants alive Learn about soil pH, photosynthesis, and the easiest plant to care for even for the busiest person
Exploring innovative strategies for sustainable co-management of enclosed coastal seas and wetlands using GIS participatory mapping and economic assessments a case study of the Mar Menor lagoon in Spain
A debate on Airbnb's impact on Spanish tourism exploring its environmental and socio-economic consequences
A debate on the environmental and socio-economic impacts of Airbnb in Spain examining claims of gentrification and unsustainable tourism practices
A debate on the ecological and socio-economic impact of Airbnb tourism in Spain highlighting concerns over sustainability and gentrification
Examining the impact of Airbnb on Spanish cities, focusing on gentrification and economic instability in Madrid, Barcelona, and Palma de Mallorca.
Examining the impact of Airbnb on Spanish cities like Madrid and Barcelona focusing on gentrification, rising rental costs, and the need for sustainable tourism management
We debate the impact of Airbnb on urban sustainability in popular tourist destinations, exploring the tension between short-term economic gains and the long-term well-being of cities.
Squirrels: cute and fluffy, or agents of reforestation? We delve into the surprisingly significant impact of these nut-burying heroes on our forests.
Alex and Sam debate the merits (or lack thereof) of clouds, from their meteorological importance to their aesthetic appeal (or lack thereof).
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