Language: French
Plongez au cœur de l'Assemblée Générale de l'ESCALL avec Sophia et Lily pour une analyse amusante et détaillée du compte-rendu de la réunion du 10 décembre 2024. Des élections du CODIR aux activités des différentes sections, découvrez la richesse associative de l'ESCALL.
Analyse du procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale de l'ESCALL du 10 décembre 2024, mettant en lumière les activités, les finances et les projets futurs de cette association dynamique.
Découverte du procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale de l'ESCALL, tenue le 10 décembre 2024 à Biscarrosse, incluant les rapports moral et financier, l'élection du nouveau comité directeur et les discussions sur l'avenir de l'association.
Discussion sur le rôle essentiel des chefs Scouts et Guides de France dans le développement personnel des jeunes, leur apprentissage de l'autonomie et du respect de la nature.
Language: Turkish
Kentsel erişilebilirlik ve herkes için daha yaşanabilir şehirler yaratmanın yollarını ele alıyoruz Engelli bireylerin ve toplumun tüm kesimlerinin ihtiyaçlarını karşılayan bir kent ortamının önemini vurguluyoruz
Language: English
A heartwarming story of community support for 10-year-old Marlena battling cancer through a unique line dancing fundraiser
A discussion on STRAIGHTSEX's innovative business model, aiming to empower sex workers and combat exploitation within the adult entertainment industry through a regulated and supportive platform.
Language: Arabic
نقاش حول إرشادات تصميم المنازل الملائمة لكراسي المقعدين في جنوب شرق لندن مع التركيز على سهولة الحركة والوصول في مساحة غرينتش.
A discussion on wheelchair accessible home design guidelines focusing on creating truly livable spaces for wheelchair users, covering everything from external access to internal layouts and features.
Une discussion sur les inégalités entre les hommes et les femmes, abordant les écarts salariaux, la représentation dans les postes à responsabilités et les inégalités au quotidien.
A nuanced discussion exploring the potential of online platforms to improve safety and support for sex workers while addressing ethical considerations and challenges.
This podcast explores online hospice volunteer training, recruitment strategies, and building strong volunteer programs Learn how to attract and support dedicated volunteers in providing compassionate end-of-life care
Two young disabled veterans struggle to find purpose after returning home This episode explores the challenges they face and potential solutions for rebuilding their lives
Understanding the Emergency Solutions Grants program and its Rapid Re-Housing initiative to combat homelessness
Exploring the rise of positive social media conversations in Pakistan and the challenges of maintaining a constructive online environment
We analyze real-world disaster responses from floods to earthquakes exploring challenges and solutions for effective aid and community resilience
Examining str8sexcom a platform aiming to improve safety and economic opportunities for sex workers through online webcam modeling This podcast explores the challenges and potential of this innovative approach
Language: Portuguese
Neste episódio, exploramos um guia prático sobre como construir redes de apoio e praticar o cuidado genuíno na comunidade fortalecendo laços humanos e o bem-estar coletivo
Découverte du rôle essentiel des chefs et cheffes Scouts et Guides de France : bénévoles, éducateurs, et guides pour la jeunesse.
We delve into the 2022 Impact Report of the Family Service Association of Redlands, exploring their achievements, challenges, and community partnerships.
On discute de la réunion de Psyché-Delos du 28 juin, incluant leurs nouveaux statuts, partenariats, et objectifs ambitieux pour l'autonomisation des patients.
Discover seven surprisingly simple steps to help your church grow beyond 200 members Learn strategies for effective leadership, impactful ministry, and sustainable growth.
Hear Marcus's incredible story of overcoming adversity and finding redemption to become a beacon of hope for his community. A testament to the human spirit's resilience.
Sophia et Lily discutent des inégalités hommes-femmes, des statistiques aux solutions concrètes pour une société plus égalitaire. Un débat éclairé et amical sur un sujet crucial.
Sophia et Lily discutent des inégalités hommes-femmes, des défis persistants et de l'importance d'une lutte constante pour un monde plus juste.
A difficult but crucial conversation about child abuse and child pornography its impact and how we can all help prevent it
A critical analysis of Kathryn Moeller's book exploring how corporations' philanthropic efforts intersect with their business practices impacting women and girls in the Global South
Language: Czech
Learn how a unique 30-day adoption journal helps shelter cats adjust to new homes This episode offers practical tips for a smooth transition and a happy life for your new feline friend
Praktický manuál pro majitele koček o postupu při krádeži mazlíčka včetně rad jak postupovat při pátrání a prevenci.
Diskutujeme o adopci toulavých koček, včetně výhod, výzev, praktických rad a přípravy na přivítání nového chlupatého člena rodiny. Získejte cenné informace a inspirujte se k záchraně života!
Lily a Sophia diskutují o adopci koček z útulků, zodpovědnosti plynoucí z péče o kočku a důležitosti přípravy před adopcí.
Lily a Sofie diskutují o tom, jak pomoci opuštěným koťatům, první pomoc, kontaktování veterináře a útulků. Praktické rady a tipy pro záchranu kočiček.
Rady a tipy jak efektivně najít ztracenou kočku včetně pomoci od komunity a profesionálů
Lily a Sofie diskutují o adopci koček z útulku, radí budoucím majitelům a zdůrazňují důležitost zodpovědného vlastnictví domácích mazlíčků.
Exploring the ambitious social mission of STR8SEX an adult entertainment platform tackling exploitation and empowering sex workers through financial independence and resources
Exploring str8sexcom a platform aiming to provide a safer environment for sex workers through webcam modeling and support services
A discussion on str8sexcom a platform aiming to create a safer more sustainable environment for sex workers addressing poverty and lack of opportunity
A discussion on Str8Sexcom a new adult website aiming to improve the lives of sex workers through empowerment, safety and economic stability providing training and resources.
Exploring str8sexcom's innovative approach to online adult work as a safer alternative to street-level prostitution focusing on empowerment and support for vulnerable individuals
A whimsical discussion on addressing the humanitarian crisis in Sudan through both immediate aid and long-term solutions, featuring a fantastical twist
A discussion on social inclusion exploring belonging, participation and the impact of social exclusion on individuals and communities
This podcast explores the complexities of poverty and income inequality in the UK examining causes indicators and responses from government and charities
We break down California's Emergency Solutions Grant Rapid Re-Housing Manual exploring its effectiveness and challenges in addressing homelessness
Neste episódio, discutimos o Novembro Azul e como as empresas podem se engajar na conscientização sobre o câncer de próstata, com ações práticas e divertidas.
Two friends discuss the power of digital storytelling to preserve and share African American history and culture
Join Alex and Sam as they tackle the pressing issue of the global left-handed scissors shortage. Is it a real problem, or just a quirky niche? Tune in for a lively debate on equality, advocacy, and the power of the left hand.
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