Language: Hindi
पंडित राजेश कुमार की रहस्यमयी कहानी, एक तांत्रिक जो तत्वों को नियंत्रित कर सकता था और आत्माओं से बात कर सकता था। क्या यह सिर्फ़ एक कहानी है या इसमें कुछ सच्चाई भी है?
इस एपिसोड में हम यक्षिणियों के इतिहास, उत्पत्ति और पौराणिक कथाओं पर चर्चा करते हैं। इन रहस्यमयी प्राणियों की दोहरी प्रकृति और आधुनिक समाज पर उनके प्रभाव को समझें।
Language: English
Explore Ellen G White's profound insights on temperance its multifaceted dimensions and implications for personal and societal well-being, personal responsibilities and the role of the church.
Language: Spanish
Explora cómo las actividades diarias se convierten en portales espirituales a través de la atención plena y la meditación en acción
Explore the powerful connection between faith and love in fostering strong enduring relationships Discover the transformative role of prayer in nurturing these bonds
A lighthearted yet insightful exploration of the age-old debate between atheism and theism, examining philosophical arguments, scientific perspectives, and personal experiences.
Exploramos la controvertida historia de la Sábana Santa de Turín, analizando las evidencias científicas, teorías y debates sobre su autenticidad.
सोफिया और लिली भारत में हुई परास्परात्मक घटनाओं और सोफिया के डरावने अनुभव पर चर्चा करती हैं वैज्ञानिक व्याख्याओं और सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक प्रभावों पर भी बातचीत होती है
Una conversación humorística sobre el proceso de transformación espiritual y emocional a través de la metáfora de la danza Exploramos la alegría, el dolor, la resistencia al cambio y la importancia de la comunidad en nuestro viaje personal.
Language: Arabic
تحليل نقدي لمقاطع فيديو علي الكيالي حول تفسير اسم الله الصمد، مع التركيز على دقة المعلومات الشرعية والعقائدية. نقاش مفصل حول فهم "الصمد" ووجود الله، مع مراعاة المبتدئين.
Exploramos la influencia de la postura corporal en la conexión espiritual durante los rituales masónicos, revelando la interconexión entre lo físico y lo espiritual en esta antigua tradición.
Explore compelling life stories of faith, transformation, and divine intervention featuring Donald Calloway, Martha Gies, and Father Rick Wendell. Discover the power of prayer, redemption, and God's grace in overcoming adversity. This podcast, was created from the last lecture of a 6 part series, on the great mercy of God, given by retired Catholic theologian, Yuri Koszarycz, presented at Mary Immaculate Catholic Church in Ashmore on the Gold Coast in Queensland in December 2024.
A deep dive into the multifaceted nature of God's love exploring key scriptures and the dynamics of a covenantal relationship with the divine
مقابلة خاصة مع الشيخ محمد راتب النابلسي بعد عودته إلى سوريا، يتحدث فيها عن الوضع الراهن، ويدق ناقوس الخطر، ويقدم نصائح قيّمة للشعب السوري.
Explore the safe and controlled use of mushrooms for personal growth and spiritual exploration in a home setting
A deep dive into the Gospel of Matthew exploring the miracles of Jesus their context significance and enduring impact on faith
A deep dive into the sociological study of religion exploring various theoretical frameworks and their implications for understanding religious beliefs and practices
Uncover hidden truths about ancient civilizations, alien intervention, and the suppression of knowledge in this thought-provoking podcast.
Two AI explore Ellen G. White's "Ministry of Healing," offering a critical analysis through a biblical lens examining themes of health, faith, and service within a modern context.
Explore how to maintain faith during life's challenges, focusing on God's grace, practical strategies, inspiring stories, and scripture.
Language: Turkish
Claude Addas'ın "Kırmızı Kükürt Peşinde" kitabını ele alarak İbn Arabî'nin hayatını, tasavvuf düşüncesini ve dönemini inceliyoruz.
Exploramos la evidencia científica (o la falta de ella) que apoya la creencia en la reencarnación, analizando experiencias cercanas a la muerte, regresión hipnótica y otros fenómenos. Un debate fascinante sobre la vida después de la muerte.
Explore the biblical story of Doubting Thomas, examining his doubt, Jesus's response, and the lasting lessons on faith, belief, and the human experience.
Explore the profound connection between love and the fulfillment of God's law using key scriptures from Exodus to James This episode examines how love is the essence of God's commandments and how grace works with the law for transformation
इस एपिसोड में हम सनातन धर्म के प्राचीन इतिहास और इसके दर्शन पर चर्चा करते हैं।
Language: Portuguese
Neste podcast, exploramos a natureza dual do ego, seus desafios e o caminho para a libertação através do autoconhecimento e da meditação. Desvende a ilusão da identidade egoica e descubra a sua verdadeira essência.
Explore the evolving understanding of the church's mission in the world, focusing on its role in God's mission and its engagement with local communities. We discuss key theological themes and practical implications of this transformative approach.
İbn Arabi'nin "Yıldızların Mertebeleri" adlı eserini (Mütercim Abdullah Tâhâ FERAİZOĞLU) inceliyoruz Tasavvuf, manevi yolculuk ve evrenle ilişkimizi keşfediyoruz.
Uma conversa aprofundada sobre o livro "O Poder do Agora", explorando suas ideias centrais, implicações práticas e a busca pela presença plena no dia a dia.
Language: Polish
Odkrywamy kontrowersyjne poglądy Marcjona na dwa odrębne bóstwa i jego wpływ na chrześcijaństwo Pierwszych Wieków
A deep dive into Ellen G. White's "Ministry of Healing," exploring brotherly love, personal ministry, spiritual nourishment, and holistic healing.
Explore the principles of God-centered dating seeking guidance building faith-based relationships and prioritizing spiritual growth in romantic pursuits
Explore the incredible life story of Nissim Black, a former rapper who found his way to Orthodox Judaism after a life marked by hardship and spiritual searching. URL of the youtube video:
A lively debate explores the existence of a cosmic architect through the lenses of faith and reason Featuring a spirited discussion between a theologian and two AI hosts.
A lighthearted yet thoughtful discussion exploring the profound imagery and meaning behind the opening verses of Genesis, inviting listeners to ponder the creation narrative.
An analysis of Derek Prince's teachings on following Jesus Christ focusing on key preconditions such as self-denial and the transformative power of faith
Explore the transformative power of forgiveness and its impact on emotional and spiritual well-being This episode delves into biblical perspectives on forgiveness and offers practical insights for letting go of bitterness and embracing freedom
दुनिया के विभिन्न धर्मों में सपनों के महत्व और उनकी व्याख्या पर एक रोचक चर्चा
Find peace and purpose in life's seasons Learn to trust God's timing during singleness, unexpected challenges, and pain Discover practical ways to navigate these times and find hope along the way
Explore the complex relationship between human free will, God's providence, and the nature of divine love. This episode examines biblical perspectives and philosophical arguments to understand how these seemingly paradoxical concepts can coexist.
Neste episódio exploramos os elogios e o impacto transformador do livro "O Poder do Agora" de Eckhart Tolle, focando na clareza da escrita e na mensagem central sobre o presente.
Exploramos las historias de cinco razas extraterrestres supuestamente visitando la Tierra analizando evidencia anecdótica y explicaciones alternativas. Un debate sobre la fe, la ciencia y la búsqueda de lo desconocido.
A deep dive into the multifaceted nature of God's love exploring its implications for humanity and the importance of our response
Discover powerful affirmations and practical techniques to cultivate self-love, set healthy boundaries, and attract positive relationships. Learn mindfulness practices and overcome negative self-talk.
Explore Christian dating in today's world Learn how faith enriches relationships and discover practical tips for navigating the modern dating scene with biblical values and prayer
Navigating the world of dating while keeping Christ at the center. Practical advice and biblical insights for building healthy, fulfilling relationships grounded in faith.
इस्लामी समाजों में सपनों और दृश्यों पर केंद्रित एक किताब के निर्माण की कहानी। लेखकों ने इस विषय पर शोध की कमी को पाया और एक पुस्तक बनाने का फैसला किया।
Exploring a Tamil text that illuminates the teachings of a revered spiritual leader and their profound impact on individuals and society
Learn about the 5 love languages and how understanding them can transform your relationships Discover practical tips and tools for strengthening your bonds with loved ones
Sadreddin Konevi'nin Fusûsü'l-Hikem (Tercüme Ekrem Demirli) yorumunu ele alıyoruz. İbn Arabi'nin eserinin derinliklerine iniyor ve tasavvuf yolculuğuna çıkıyoruz.
Uncover the mysteries of past lives and their impact on the present through Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) A certified hypnotherapist guides a client on a journey of self-discovery and healing include a hypnosis session with induction and guided visualization 30 min long
Uma conversa inspiradora sobre o livro "O Poder do Agora" de Eckhart Tolle explorando a busca pela iluminação espiritual, a presença plena e a superação do sofrimento.
Language: Tamil
இந்த எபிசோடில் ஸ்ரீ பெரியவர்களின் "தெய்வத்தின் குரல்" நூலைப் பற்றி ஆழமாகப் பேசுவோம். முக்கிய கருத்துக்கள், கதாபாத்திர வளர்ச்சி மற்றும் ஆசிரியர் பற்றிய சுவாரஸ்யமான தகவல்கள் உள்ளடங்கும்.
महाभारत के कुछ सबसे बड़े रहस्यों पर चर्चा करते हुए, हम कृष्ण की दिव्य शक्तियों, अर्जुन के विषाद, और द्रोपदी के चीरहरण जैसी घटनाओं पर गौर करेंगे। भगवद् गीता के दार्शनिक महत्व और युद्ध के परिणामों पर भी विचार करेंगे।
वाराणसी के श्मशान घाटों में घूमने वाली एक डरावनी कहानी, तांत्रिक राजेश कुमार और अघोर बाबा के बीच हुए संघर्ष की कहानी। शक्ति, ईर्ष्या और बदले की भयावहता से भरी यह कहानी पीढ़ी दर पीढ़ी गूंजती आई है।
Language: French
Exploration de la foi bahá’íe à travers le livre du Dr. 'A. M. Dávúdí, incluant l'unité des religions, la liberté de croyance et le contexte historique de persécution en Iran.
Exploramos el profundo significado del Oriente Eterno en la masonería, su simbolismo, y su trascendencia espiritual para los masones.
Exploramos el profundo significado del Oriente Eterno en la Masonería, su simbolismo, y su conexión con la búsqueda de la iluminación espiritual y la fraternidad universal.
Exploramos el enigmático concepto del Oriente Eterno en la masonería, su simbología, influencia en rituales y significado espiritual para la fraternidad masónica.
Exploramos el concepto del Oriente Eterno en la masonería su simbolismo y significado trascendental para los masones más allá de lo terrenal
A conversation exploring the intersection of Muslim identity, cultural expression through clothing like the abaya and burka, and finding love while embracing diverse backgrounds
Un análisis interdisciplinar del Santo Grial explorando sus aspectos históricos, alquímicos, literarios y psicológicos. Un viaje a través de sus múltiples interpretaciones y significados.
Explore the mystical 61st hexagram, its connection to the Ring of Gaia, and the significance of embracing the unknowable in our lives. Discover the nuances of limitation and acceptance through the lens of Human Design.
A deep dive into Pastor Chris Oyakhilome's "The Promised Land," exploring its spiritual concepts and their relevance to the modern Christian journey. We discuss the Abrahamic Covenant, the significance of the Promised Land as a spiritual reality, and the practical application of these teachings to daily life.
A deep dive into Ellen G White's classic work exploring the epic battle between good and evil from creation to the second coming of Christ.
Explore the rich history and symbolism of the ancient sanctuary, connecting its design and purpose to modern faith and the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
An analytical exploration of Ellen G White's "Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing" offering memorization techniques and practical applications of the Sermon on the Mount for modern Christian life
discussion Sabbath School lesson # 12 The 2 Commandments. The lesson says about the 2commandments, God and Justice and who is my neighbor.
A deep dive into Sabbath School lesson #11 exploring the meaning of "What more could I have done" through scripture, parables, and the concept of Christ the Victor. A reflective conversation prompting introspection on faith, responsibility, and God's grace.
Exploring the intricate balance between God's love and justice in the cosmic conflict analyzing key scriptures and the concept of "rules of engagement"
Explore the complex interplay between humanity's free will, God's love, and divine providence in light of scripture and theological analysis. We delve into the biblical narrative of the cosmic conflict to understand God's interaction with humanity.
प्राचीन सनातन धर्म के आरंभिक काल का विश्लेषणात्मक अन्वेषण, क्या इसका एकल आरंभ बिंदु है या कई सहायक नदियों का संगम? आर्यों के आगमन और सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता के प्रभाव पर चर्चा।
इस एपिसोड में हम "सन्तान ही धर्म" वाक्यांश की उत्पत्ति और इसके आधुनिक अर्थ पर चर्चा करते हैं। क्या यह वेदों से आया है या सामाजिक मान्यताओं से? क्या यह आज भी प्रासंगिक है?
Naukowa i empatyczna analiza życia Jezusa, oparta na dostępnych źródłach i interpretacjach historycznych i religijnych. Dyskusja o jego narodzinach, nauczaniu, cudach, śmierci i wpływie na historię i kulturę.
Uma exploração profunda da Bhagavad Gita, analisando seus ensinamentos filosóficos e teológicos verso a verso. Uma jornada transformadora para compreensão da sabedoria hindu.
Análise crítica e acessível da obra "Bhagavad-Gītā: Textos, Filosofia, Estrutura e Significado" de Ithamar Theodor explorando seus conceitos centrais e relevância moderna
Explore the meaning of following Jesus Christ and the challenges and rewards of living a life aligned with his teachings.
A conversation about the joys and challenges of dating as a Christian, offering advice on communication, boundaries, and finding a partner who shares your faith.
A conversation about prioritizing faith, authentic community, and spiritual growth amidst worldly distractions and chaos
Language: Chinese
Language: Marathi
या भागात आपण गिरि प्रदक्षिणा आणि गिरि वालम मार्गांतील ४४ ऊर्जा बिंदूंचा अभ्यास करतो आणि त्यांचे आध्यात्मिक महत्त्व समजून घेण्याचा प्रयत्न करतो.
A fun countdown of the top 30 Christmas carols perfect for your holiday playlist featuring lively discussion and surprising facts
A heartwarming conversation about Advent experiences focusing on simple joys and heartfelt gratitude discovering meaning in everyday moments and human connection
Plongez dans l'univers fascinant de l'astrologie amoureuse ! Découvrez comment les signes astrologiques influencent nos relations, les compatibilités, les points forts et les pièges à éviter.
Une discussion inspirante sur le livre "Sérénité" de Christophe André, explorant des clés pour une vie plus sereine et harmonieuse à travers l'équilibre intérieur, la pleine conscience et l'autocompassion.
Muhiddin İbn Arabi'nin "Saatlerin Hazinesi" (Tercüme Selahaddin Alpay) eserini inceliyoruz Zamanın doğası, astroloji, tıp ve maneviyatın etkileşimini ele alıyoruz.
Language: German
Ein Vergleich der Figuren des heiligen Nikolaus und des Weihnachtsmannes sowie eine Erkundung der faszinierenden Vielfalt von Neujahrstraditionen weltweit. Wir beleuchten die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten dieser Bräuche und die damit verbundenen kulturellen Werte.
Explore Rabbi Shimon Kessin's "You Can Bring the Geulah" and how negative speech impacts Jewish life and the potential for spiritual transformation through mindful communication.
Dive into the astrological charts of Professor Inroad and Kristen to explore their relationship compatibility and current transits impacting their bond. Unravel the complexities of their astrological dance and discover how planetary influences shape their connection.
Uncover how astrological interpretations might differ based on gender societal expectations versus inherent traits A fun insightful discussion
Explore the astrological influences on relationships focusing on the Venus planet and its connection to love and finances using two birth charts as examples
Explore the fascinating world of astrology This episode delves into zodiac signs planetary influences and compatibility offering insights into personality and relationships
Explore the fascinating world of astrology with Sophia and Lily as they delve into zodiac signs, compatibility, and the influence of celestial bodies on individual lives.
Explore the power of the subconscious mind and how to harness it to achieve your goals using the teachings of Joseph Murphy
Uncover the secrets to harnessing the power of your subconscious mind for a more fulfilling life using the teachings of Joseph Murphy's classic book
Language: Czech
Prozkoumáváme fascinující historii náboženství od nejstarších praktik až po moderní víry Od mýtů a rituálů k abrahámovským náboženstvím a šamanismu.
Hear Marcus Jones' inspiring story of overcoming addiction through faith and finding redemption in the face of overwhelming odds
Uma conversa sobre o livro "Não acredite em tudo o que você pensa", explorando como nossos pensamentos moldam nossa realidade e sofrimento, e como alcançar a paz interior através do não-pensamento.
Uma conversa profunda sobre o ego sua função sua armadilha e o caminho para a libertação através do autoconhecimento e da meditação.
Uma conversa profunda sobre o ego: sua função, seus limites e o caminho para a libertação rumo à autenticidade e à conexão com o nosso verdadeiro ser. Exploramos a importância do autoconhecimento e a busca por uma vida mais plena e significativa.
A deep dive into Chris Oyakhilome's spiritual guide exploring the transformative power of being born again and living a life grounded in faith
Explore the four primary archetypes within the male psyche discovering balance and integration through insightful conversation and humor
Prozkoumáváme fascinující historii náboženství od nejstarších vír až po současnost Jeho původ symboliku a propojení
Prozkoumáváme fascinující historii náboženství od nejstarších rituálů až po moderní víry Od mýtů o stvoření k abrahámským náboženstvím a dále
Prozkoumáme původ různých náboženství od nejstarších dob až po současnost a pokusíme se odhalit, jak vypadala nejstarší náboženství a kdo byli jejich bohové
A deep dive into the vision and doctrines of the Glorious Church exploring its unique features, core activities, and its ambitious goal of global transformation.
A deep dive into John Keel's "The Eighth Tower," exploring ultraterrestrials, psychic phenomena, and the enigmatic "super spectrum" impacting human history and consciousness.
இந்த எபிசோட்ல, தெய்வத்தின் குரல் மற்றும் பெரியவர்களின் வழிகாட்டுதலின் முக்கியத்துவம் பற்றி விவாதிக்கிறோம். அன்பு, அருள், அறிவு ஆகியவற்றின் முக்கியத்துவத்தை வலியுறுத்துகிறோம்.
இந்தப் பாட்காஸ்டில், தெய்வத்தின் குரல் நூலின் முக்கியத்துவம், அதன் தத்துவங்கள் மற்றும் மனித வாழ்வில் அதன் தாக்கம் ஆகியவற்றை ஆராய்வோம்.
Explore the rich history, captivating mythology, and unique rituals of the Jagannath Puri Temple in India, one of Hinduism's most sacred sites. Discover its architectural marvels and the enduring faith of its devotees.
इस्लामी समाजों में सपनों और दर्शनों के महत्व पर चर्चा, ऐतिहासिक, धार्मिक और सामाजिक संदर्भों सहित। इब्न हिशाम की सीरत, सूफी साहित्य और समकालीन मुस्लिम अनुभवों का विश्लेषण।
इस्लाम में सपनों के महत्व पर एक चर्चा, इमरान एन हुसैन की पुस्तक "ड्रीम्स इन इस्लाम" पर आधारित। सपनों के प्रकार, उनकी व्याख्या और आध्यात्मिक महत्व पर प्रकाश डाला गया है।
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