Language: English
A deep dive into a systematic literature review exploring challenge-based learning implementation in engineering education examining diverse approaches, challenges, and future directions.
This episode analyzes a systematic review of challenge-based learning in engineering education, exploring its implementation, challenges, and potential.
A critical analysis of academic development practices, exploring power dynamics, ethical considerations, and the pursuit of genuine teacher empowerment.
Exploring the role of academic developers as catalysts for change in universities, examining how leadership perception shapes their impact.
Explore the crucial role of trust in academic development programs focusing on a case study of a redesigned program that prioritized credibility, identity, and value to foster trust between faculty and academic developers.
Explore a long-term approach to quality improvement in higher education tackling complex issues with no easy solutions using concatenated research a longitudinal qualitative approach
A deep dive into academics' views on quality assurance in higher education exploring challenges, tensions, and the pursuit of meaningful improvements in teaching and learning.
Language: Norwegian
En diskusjon om Lee Harveys artikkel om kvalitetssikring i høyere utdanning og akademikernes syn på temaet. Vi utforsker funn, utfordringer og mulige forbedringer.
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