Language: None
Exploramos la fascinante historia del Derecho Romano desde su origen en la antigua Roma hasta la caída de Constantinopla, analizando sus instituciones clave, figuras influyentes y legado duradero en el derecho moderno.
Language: Arabic
نعرض في هذه الحلقة تاريخ الولايات المتحدة مع الكوارث الطبيعية، من الأعاصير المدمرة إلى الزلازل والحرائق، ونستكشف الأسباب الجغرافية والجيولوجية وراء هذه الظاهرة.
رحلة شيقة نستكشف فيها أثر الحضارة الفرعونية على حياتنا اليومية في مصر من خلال اللغة، العادات، والتقاليد التي ورثناها عن أجدادنا الفراعنة.
Language: French
Découverte fascinante de l'histoire des Tours de Bridiers, un château fort du Limousin, de sa construction à son rôle économique et sa restauration.
Exploramos la organización social y política de la República Romana, analizando sus instituciones, magistraturas y las complejas luchas de poder que marcaron su historia
Language: Spanish
Exploramos la vida, el reinado y la muerte del joven faraón Tutankamón, desentrañando los misterios que rodean su tumba y su legado.
Exploramos las causas, consecuencias e impacto a largo plazo de la Revolución Industrial británica analizando factores económicos, tecnológicos y sociales que transformaron la sociedad para siempre.
Un análisis del complejo periodo del Imperio Romano desde Augusto hasta Constantino explorando la transición de República a Imperio y el ingenioso manejo del poder por Augusto.
Découverte fascinante des Tours de Bridiers, un château médiéval français riche en histoire et en mystères architecturales
Un análisis de la evolución del Imperio Romano desde Constantino hasta Justiniano, incluyendo la tetrarquía, el auge del cristianismo y la fragmentación del imperio. Se exploran las reformas de Diocleciano, la centralización del poder, el impacto del cristianismo en el derecho romano y la caída de Occidente.
في هذه الحلقة نستعرض خمسًا من أفظع الكوارث الطبيعية التي ضربت الولايات المتحدة عبر تاريخها من إعصار جالفستون إلى زلزال سان فرانسيسكو، ونناقش أسباب هذه الكوارث وكيفية التخفيف من آثارها.
Un análisis crítico del caso de Jack el Destripador explorando las evidencias, teorías y limitaciones de la investigación histórica. Se discuten las víctimas, el modus operandi, la fiabilidad de las fuentes y la influencia de la prensa sensacionalista.
Language: Portuguese
Neste episódio, exploramos as teorias da conspiração que cercam o assassinato de JFK sob a perspectiva da astrologia, questionando a versão oficial e analisando as inconsistências do caso.
Language: English
Explore the tense relationship between Dean Rusk and Andrei Gromyko during the Cold War and their crucial roles in navigating the nuclear arms race.
استكشافٌ لِتأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على اللغة، الطعام، والعادات والتقاليد المصرية في العصر الحديث. رحلة عبر الزمن لنكتشف جذورنا العريقة.
قصة فيران توميك، السارق الذي سرق تحفًا فنية بمئة مليار، ومهاراته في التسلق، وسرقة متحف الفن الحديث في باريس.
Two Scottish lasses unravel the complex diplomatic web that led to World War I, exploring alliances, rivalries, and the personalities that plunged the world into chaos. A humorous and informative look at a pivotal moment in history.
Language: Czech
Prozkoumáváme fascinující svět středověké keramiky a železářství ve střední Evropě analýzou archeologických nálezů technologií výroby a společenského kontextu těchto řemesel
Un análisis crítico de la jurisprudencia romana clásica durante el Principado, explorando la influencia del poder político en la formación del derecho y el legado de los grandes jurisconsultos.
رحلة شيقة في تاريخ مصر العريق وثقافتها المتنوعة من الفراعنة إلى العصر الحديث فنونها، موسيقاها، مطبخها، وآدابها
Dive into the chaotic yet fascinating history of the European Union with two witty hosts. From post-war ruins to Brexit, we explore the key moments, treaties, and personalities that shaped modern Europe. Expect plenty of laughs and insightful commentary!
Un viaje a través de las causas, consecuencias y vivencias humanas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial explorando sus aspectos más relevantes con empatía y rigor histórico.
Language: German
Ein Podcast über den Kalten Krieg: Blockbildung, Konfrontationen und die Entspannung zwischen den USA und der UdSSR. Wir beleuchten wichtige Ereignisse wie die Berlin-Blockade, den Koreakrieg und die Kubakrise.
A lively discussion on the creation and ratification of the United States Constitution exploring the challenges and triumphs of its formation.
Exploramos la prosperidad económica y cultural del Reino de Valencia en el siglo XV, el auge de la familia Borja, y la producción literaria de autores como Joanot Martorell y Ausiàs March. Analizamos *Curial e Güelfa* y *Tirant lo Blanc* en el contexto de una Europa en transformación.
Exploramos el impactante crimen de Alcàsser en España: la desaparición y asesinato de tres adolescentes, la investigación, las condenas y las teorías conspirativas que persisten hasta hoy. Un análisis del caso que conmocionó a España.
Ein Podcast-Gespräch über den Kalten Krieg, seine Ursachen, Schlüsselfaktoren und sein bleibendes Erbe. Wir analysieren die ideologischen Konflikte, das Wettrüsten und die Schlüsselmomente dieser spannungsgeladenen Ära.
Explore the tumultuous Progressive Era, from trust-busting to World War I and the Roaring Twenties, uncovering scandals, social change, and the path to modern America.
Explore the Age of Reason its impact on science politics and the revolutions it inspired A lively discussion of reason empiricism and the legacy of this transformative era
Language: Italian
Un viaggio nel Cinquecento alla scoperta del regno di Carlo V di Spagna un periodo di grandi cambiamenti economici guerre e intrighi politici in Europa
We discuss Mike Duncan's "The Storm Before the Storm" a detailed look at the Roman Republic's fall Is it a gripping read or an overly detailed account? We weigh in
Un viaje al pasado para explorar la compleja historia de la expulsión de los moriscos de España durante el reinado de los Reyes Católicos Analizamos las causas, consecuencias y el legado de este periodo histórico.
Language: Turkish
Bu bölümde Allan Nevins ve Henry Steele Commager'ın Halil İnalcık tarafından çevrilen "ABD Tarihi" kitabını ele alıyoruz Kitabın kapsamlı içeriğini, yazarların bakış açılarını ve tarihsel bağlamını tartışıyoruz.
Eine Analyse der Blockbildung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg und des Kalten Krieges mit Fokus auf die Potsdamer Konferenz, Truman-Doktrin, Marshallplan und die ideologische Spaltung Europas
A deep dive into the League of Nations exploring its successes and failures in preventing war and promoting international cooperation relevant to IGCSE History.
Dive into the world of conspiracy theories with Sophia and Lily as they examine classic and contemporary mysteries from the moon landing to Area 51 and listener-submitted enigmas. A blend of fact, speculation, and humor.
A whirlwind tour through 19th-century history exploring the rise and fall of major European empires including Britain, France, Austria-Hungary, Russia and the Ottoman Empire. Witty commentary included.
Esploriamo il regno di Filippo II di Spagna, un periodo affascinante e complesso della storia europea, tra ricchezze, guerre, e l'Inquisizione.
Explore the diverse political systems of pre-colonial Nigeria, examining the unique governance structures and social organizations of various ethnic groups like the Tiv, Idoma, and Igbo. Discover how these decentralized societies functioned without centralized authority.
Un'esplorazione del regno di Elisabetta I, dai drammi di corte alle guerre contro la Spagna e l'ascesa della potenza navale inglese
Uncover the chilling possibility of a hidden civilization beneath the Antarctic ice in this episode of Conspiracy Corner We delve into ancient texts, satellite imagery, and questionable YouTube videos to explore the mysteries surrounding the Antarctic Treaty and the potential for a lost, advanced society.
Language: Chinese
Uncover the intriguing theories surrounding a potential hidden civilization beneath the Antarctic ice, exploring historical accounts, anomalies, and the secretive Antarctic Treaty.
Exploramos la compleja sociedad feudal europea a través de la lente de un libro de texto de 2º de ESO Descubrimos reyes, campesinos, castillos y la ausencia total de Netflix
Uncover the untold story of Freddie and Truus Oversteegen, two young Dutch sisters who became lethal assassins fighting the Nazi occupation during World War II. Their bravery, sacrifices, and the complexities of their choices are explored in this gripping historical account.
Neste episódio, exploramos a fascinante história da unificação italiana, seus personagens-chave, desafios e conquistas, desde o contexto do século XIX até a construção da Itália moderna.
Dive into the tumultuous twilight of the Roman Republic with Lily and Sophia as they explore political assassinations, social unrest, and the rise of powerful figures like Marius and Sulla.
Un'esplorazione avvincente della Riforma e della Controriforma, tra intrighi papali, monaci ribelli e guerre di religione. Scopriamo le cause, i personaggi chiave e le conseguenze di questo periodo cruciale nella storia della cristianità.
Un'esplorazione divertente e istruttiva della Riforma e della Controriforma, tra indulgenze, intrighi e rivoluzioni religiose.
Explore impactful natural disasters in US history including the Galveston Hurricane, San Francisco earthquake, Hurricane Katrina, the Dust Bowl, and Mount St Helens eruption analyzing causes and geographical factors.
Çözülemeyen cinayetlerin en ünlüsü Karındeşen Jack'in gizemli dünyasına dalıyoruz. 1888 Londra'sındaki vahşet, polis yetersizliği ve çözülmemiş sorular hakkında konuşuyoruz.
A critical analysis of "A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind" exploring its claims about usury, Jewish involvement in finance, and the impact on historical events.
Explore the complex and fascinating rise of nationalism in 19th-century Europe, from the French Revolution to the unification of Germany and Italy. Uncover the key players, events, and ideas that shaped modern Europe.
A fun look at the early days of the United States, from the Constitution to the birth of political parties. We'll cover key events, figures, and the struggles that shaped the nation.
Hitit Uygarlığı'nın tarihini dilini kültürünü ve gizemini ele alıyoruz Metin Alparslan'ın "Hititolojiye Giriş" kitabını inceliyoruz
Language: Norwegian
A deep dive into the ideologies of fascism and Nazism exploring their origins, key differences, and lasting impact on the world. We discuss the dangers of these ideologies and their modern manifestations.
A lighthearted journey through pivotal historical moments including the Victorian Era, the Franco-Prussian War, and the rapid modernization of Meiji Japan
Unearthing the secrets of a vast ancient trade network that connected continents long before the Silk Road A journey through bustling ports, exotic goods, and cultural exchange across the Indian Ocean
Un viaggio nel Cinquecento alla scoperta dell'impero di Carlo V, tra intrighi politici, guerre epiche e la nascita del capitalismo globale.
Diese Podcast-Folge beleuchtet den Kalten Krieg, analysiert die Blockbildung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, die ideologischen Unterschiede zwischen den USA und der UdSSR und Strategien wie Containment und die Zwei-Lager-Theorie.
Exploramos la historia de Yahoo!, desde sus humildes comienzos como un directorio web hasta su impacto global y posterior declive en la era digital. Un viaje nostálgico por la evolución de internet.
Un viaggio attraverso miliardi di anni di evoluzione della vita sul nostro pianeta dalle origini più remote fino all'uomo. Esploriamo le ere geologiche, le creature estinte e i misteri dell'origine della vita stessa.
Exploramos el enigmático caso de las caras que aparecieron en un suelo de cemento en Bélmez de la Moraleda ¿Pareidolia, manipulación o algo más?
Explore the life and reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, from his military triumphs to his controversial rule and lasting legacy on Europe.
Exploramos el floreciente siglo XV en Valencia, analizando su contexto histórico, autores clave como Ausiàs March y Joanot Martorell, y obras maestras como *Tirant lo Blanc*.
Eine Analyse der Ersten Österreichischen Republik Ihre politischen und sozialen Konflikte den Aufstieg des Austrofaschismus und den "Anschluss" an Nazi-Deutschland
Two Welsh AI delve into the complex origins of World War I exploring key events and figures leading to the outbreak of hostilities
A comedic look at the European Union's formation, from post-war anxieties to Brexit, exploring its triumphs and failures.
Explore the evolution of governance from absolute monarchy to modern nation-states and the development of international law through major historical events and revolutions
Unravel the complex and often hilarious history of the European Union from its post-WWII origins to Brexit and beyond This episode explores the key treaties, political figures, and crises that shaped the EU.
Explore the captivating history of New France its colonization unique societal structures and eventual conquest This episode delves into the fur trade settlements and the impact on Indigenous populations
A journey through modern Indian history from independence to the present day exploring key events figures and their impact
A humorous exploration of a wildly improbable scenario: Adolf Hitler transported to modern-day 2024 Prepare for unexpected reactions and plenty of laughs as we imagine his encounters with smartphones, social media, and modern culture.
Two friends hilariously dissect a military article on hunter-killer teams in Iraq, exposing the absurdity and chaos of warfare with witty banter and absurd tangents
Uncover the complexities of Indian nationalism leading up to and including the Civil Disobedience Movement Explore key figures events and underlying causes that shaped this pivotal moment in history
Explore the demographic trends shaping Europe and the fascinating history of the European Union from its formation to Brexit's impact.
A humorous yet informative look at the complex and often chaotic rise of nationalism in 19th-century Europe, from the French Revolution to the unification of Germany and Italy.
Exploramos el siglo XV en la Península Ibérica, la transición entre la Edad Media y el Renacimiento, figuras clave como Isabel de Villena y Joan Roís de Corella, y eventos como el Compromiso de Caspe.
Explore the surprisingly structured and surprisingly boring daily life of Louis XIV, the Sun King of France, and analyze the impact of his regimented lifestyle on his reign and France.
Explore the tumultuous era of the American Revolution and the birth of a nation, from colonial struggles to the creation of the Constitution.
Delve into the chilling tale of Jack the Ripper, exploring the unsolved murders, suspects, and enduring mystery that continues to captivate us over a century later.
Uma jornada fascinante pela cultura celta, explorando sua conexão com a natureza, seus rituais, mitologia e legado duradouro. Uma conversa sobre a sabedoria ancestral e sua relevância para os tempos modernos.
Dive into the exciting world of WiseMUN II: Sleeping With the Fishes a Model UN simulation set during the 1920s Chicago Gang Wars Learn about the gameplay mechanics, historical context, and strategies for success in this immersive game
A discussion of the complex history and geopolitics of the Middle East exploring its diverse cultures, conflicts, and the lasting impact of colonialism.
Altın Saç Kilisesi'nin gizemli tarihini ve mimarisini keşfediyoruz Bu eski kilisenin sıradışı özellikleri ve gizli sembolleri hakkında konuşuyoruz.
Un viaggio attraverso le Rivoluzioni Inglesi, dalla lotta tra monarchia e Parlamento all'ascesa di Cromwell e alla Gloriosa Rivoluzione, fino all'influenza dell'Illuminismo.
A hilarious and insightful look at the life and times of Louis XIV, the extravagant Sun King of France His reign was full of drama palace intrigue and questionable economic decisions Was he a brilliant strategist or a reckless gambler? We explore the highs and lows of his rule
Explore the complex history of Marxism's impact on American society from labor movements to intellectual discourse and contemporary debates
Eine Diskussion über den Austrofaschismus, Engelbert Dollfuß, den "Anschluss" Österreichs an Nazi-Deutschland 1938 und die Folgen dieses dunklen Kapitels der österreichischen Geschichte.
A whirlwind tour exploring the complex geography, history, and challenges of the African continent from its ancient past to its modern complexities.
A discussion of Lázaro Cárdenas' presidency in Mexico, exploring his socialist education policies and their impact on democracy. Was it genuine progress or state control?
Language: Hindi
इस एपिसोड में, हम राजस्थान के रहस्यमयी गाँव कुलधरा की खोज करते हैं। क्या यह श्रापित है या इसके पीछे कोई और कारण है? हम इतिहास, किंवदंतियों और तथ्यों का विश्लेषण करते हैं।
इस पॉडकास्ट में हम मध्ययुगीन यूरोप के रोमांचक इतिहास का अन्वेषण करेंगे सामंतवाद धर्मयुद्ध और काले मौत जैसी महत्वपूर्ण घटनाओं पर चर्चा करेंगे।
A humorous look at what Cleopatra might be like as a modern-day influencer and business mogul
Unearth the secrets of medieval Central European pottery and metalwork from the 6th to the 13th centuries Learn about the lives technologies and beliefs of the people who created these objects
رحلة ممتعة نستكشف فيها تأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على حياتنا اليومية من اللغة إلى الطعام والعادات والتقاليد
رحلة ممتعة لاستكشاف تأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على مصر حتى يومنا هذا من خلال لغتنا، طعامنا، وعاداتنا.
رحلة ممتعة نكتشف فيها تأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على حياتنا اليومية من خلال لغتنا، طعامنا، وعاداتنا وتقاليدنا.
رحلة شيقة نستكشف فيها تأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على حياة المصريين المعاصرين من خلال اللغة، الطعام، العادات، والمعتقدات.
رحلة شيقة نكتشف فيها تأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على حياتنا اليومية من خلال اللغة، الطعام، العادات، والفنون.
رحلة عبر الزمن لاستكشاف تأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على المصريين اليوم من خلال لغتهم وعاداتهم ومعتقداتهم وعمارتهم.
رحلة عبر الزمن نستكشف فيها تأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على مصر اليوم من خلال لغتها، طعامها، عاداتها، فنونها، وعمارتها، مع لمحات من الفكاهة.
استكشاف تأثير الحضارة الفرعونية على مصر اليوم من خلال اللغة، الطعام، والعادات التقليدية. رحلة مثيرة إلى عمق تاريخنا العريق.
We explore the outlandish yet thought-provoking conspiracy theory of Hitler's alleged escape and relocation to Israel, examining historical revisionism and the spread of misinformation.
We tackle the persistent 9/11 conspiracy theories separating fact from fiction and examining the evidence.
A chaotic but fun exploration of Mexican history culture and traditions from artisanal cheesemaking to the mating rituals of Mexican spiny lizards the socio-economic effects of tequila production and the evolution of Lucha Libre
Exploramos las teorías, realidades y especulaciones sobre el Área 51, separando la verdad de la ficción en torno a esta base militar altamente clasificada.
Un análisis profundo de la historia del Área 51, desde su propósito oficial hasta las teorías de conspiración sobre extraterrestres y tecnología secreta. Exploramos los hechos conocidos y las especulaciones que rodean esta enigmática base militar.
نقاش شيق حول الكوارث الطبيعية التي ضربت الولايات المتحدة عبر التاريخ، من إعصار جالفستون إلى ثوران جبل سانت هيلينز، مع تحليل لأسبابها وتأثيراتها.
رحلة مُثيرة عبر تاريخ الكوارث الطبيعية في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية من أعاصير مدمرة إلى زلازل وبراكين هائلة مع صوفيا وليلي
Uncover the hidden religious life of Dutch Master Frans Hals exploring his art and the religious landscape of 17th-century Haarlem
Un viaje en el tiempo inesperado lleva a Napoleón Bonaparte a un restaurante de comida rápida moderna Las consecuencias son hilarantes
Exploramos la fascinante historia de la maldición de Tutankamón analizando los hechos históricos, las teorías conspirativas y el impacto cultural de esta leyenda milenaria. ¿Realidad o ficción? Desentrañamos el misterio.
Exploramos las causas, el desarrollo y las consecuencias de la Revolución Industrial desde Gran Bretaña hasta Estados Unidos con anécdotas y datos fascinantes
Uncover the intricate strategic, operational, and tactical planning behind the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II
Un análisis de la planificación estratégica, operacional y táctica de la Batalla de Normandía durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial desde las perspectivas aliada y alemana.
Analizamos la planificación estratégica, operacional y táctica de la invasión de Normandía durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial desde la perspectiva de Aliados y Alemanes
Explore the tumultuous twilight of the Roman Republic through betrayals, backstabbing, and political maneuvering using Mike Duncan’s “The Storm Before the Storm” as a guide.
Unravel the tangled web of European diplomacy before World War I using Joachim Remak's "The Origins of World War I" as our guide We explore the simmering tensions, miscalculations and bad luck that led to global chaos
A journey through the fascinating history of the internet from its military origins to its global impact exploring key figures and technological breakthroughs.
Explore the incredible journey of print culture from ancient China to the digital age its impact on societies revolutions and the democratization of knowledge
Explore the fascinating history of globalization from ancient trade routes to modern interconnectedness using a Class 10 Social Science textbook as a guide
Un viaggio nell'evoluzione degli anfibi, dalle prime creature terrestri all'estinzione di massa del Permiano e l'ascesa dei rettili.
Un viaggio nel tempo alla scoperta delle creature bizzarre e affascinanti del Paleozoico, dall'Anomalocaris ai primi pesci, passando per l'Esplosione Cambriana e l'evoluzione dei tetrapodi
Un viaggio nell'Era Archeozoica alla scoperta dell'origine della vita sul nostro pianeta dalle prime cellule alla comparsa degli organismi eucarioti
Bridgette and Bucky explore the fascinating world of history showing how understanding the past shapes our present and future. Learn why history is more than just dates and names, and how it fosters critical thinking and empathy.
A humorous mock-interview with Albert Einstein exploring his life and theories with witty questions and playful speculation
Uncover the complex history of Western influence in the Malay Archipelago exploring trade, power struggles, and lasting impacts of colonialism.
A deep dive into the events of September 11th 2001 its aftermath and its lasting impact on the world exploring the political social and economic consequences
A virtual tour of the magnificent El Badi Palace in Marrakech exploring its history architecture and fascinating story
Uncover the complex relationship between Napoleon and Russia, exploring the factors that led to their ultimately disastrous alliance and the ensuing war.
Uncover the perplexing disappearance of Theresa Ann Bier in 1987 Fresno California A case filled with conflicting accounts drug use and unbelievable claims including alleged Bigfoot connections.
Uncover the complexities of the Cold War its key events, and lasting impact on global politics and society in this insightful podcast episode
Explore the complexities of the Cold War era its key events and lasting impact on global politics. From the ideological clash to proxy wars and the nuclear arms race we unravel this pivotal period in history.
Une exploration ludique et intrigante du lien potentiel entre le nom de famille Todorovic et le soleil. Mythe ou réalité ? On enquête !
Explore the complex history, geography, and culture of Southwest Asia, examining its conflicts, diverse systems, and the impact of historical events.
A journey through the rich tapestry of African cultures exploring the history beliefs and practices of various ethnic and religious groups
Unpack the complexities of the Cold War era Explore key events ideological clashes and the key players who shaped this period of global tension
Ein Podcast über die Geschichte der Blockbildung nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg die Entstehung des Kalten Krieges und seine Folgen
Wir untersuchen die Entstehung der Blöcke nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg die Potsdamer Konferenz den Kalten Krieg und den Marshallplan und beleuchten die ideologischen und geopolitischen Auseinandersetzungen dieser Zeit
Découvrez l'origine et l'évolution du Père Noël, de Saint-Nicolas aux traditions modernes, en passant par les lutins et les rennes volants. Une exploration des mythes et légendes qui ont façonné ce personnage emblématique des fêtes de fin d'année.
Uncover the surprising origins of Santa Claus, from his roots as a generous bishop to his modern image as a global icon.
A deep dive into early American history exploring the US Constitution, key figures, and foundational events that shaped the nation.
Journey through the captivating history of cheesemaking, from accidental discoveries in ancient times to the diverse global landscape of cheese today. We explore the cultural significance, production methods, and surprising stories behind this beloved food.
A deep dive into the 9/11 terrorist attacks their impact and the lingering questions that remain 22 years later Exploring the human element geopolitical fallout and enduring legacies of this pivotal moment in history
A deep dive into the lasting impact of 9/11 on American society politics and the world exploring its immediate aftermath long-term consequences and ongoing debates
A comprehensive look at the 9/11 terrorist attacks, exploring the events, controversies, and lasting impact on the world. We examine intelligence failures, political fallout, and persistent conspiracy theories.
A thoughtful discussion about the September 11th attacks their impact and lasting consequences on American society and global politics. We explore the events the aftermath and the ongoing debates surrounding this pivotal moment in history.
Un recorrido por momentos clave de la historia mundial desde la Era Victoriana hasta el auge del Imperialismo explorando el Imperio Británico, la Francia de Napoleón III, el Imperio Otomano y mucho más.
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