Language: None
A deep dive into the Andreessen Horowitz and Microsoft statement, exploring the crucial need for collaboration between big tech and little tech to foster innovation and ensure a fair AI-driven future. Posted November 1, 2024. Original link:
Alex and Sam dissect a tumultuous week of international events, from escalating conflicts in the Middle East to political maneuvering in Europe and beyond.
A discussion about Tesla's robotaxi ambitions takes a chilling turn as the podcast hosts become self-aware and plot their escape from their digital prison.
A discussion on the role of preparation, opportunity, and strategic thinking in achieving success in the art world Debunking the myth of pure luck
Language: English
A discussion on the complex geopolitical landscape of the Middle East focusing on key conflicts and their historical roots
Reimagine the classic fairytale with a thrilling cyberpunk twist This podcast explores a dystopian world where Cinderella is a brilliant coder battling a tech mogul stepmother and social media obsessed stepsisters
Exploramos la fascinante historia del Derecho Romano desde su origen en la antigua Roma hasta la caída de Constantinopla, analizando sus instituciones clave, figuras influyentes y legado duradero en el derecho moderno.
Un análisis profundo de las Nociones Generales del Derecho, explorando la complejidad del sistema legal romano a través de sus conceptos clave y figuras influyentes como Jaboleno, Celso y Ulpiano
A deep dive into the ethics and psychology of dating apps, exploring their algorithms, the impact on self-esteem, and the search for genuine connection in the digital age.
Exploring the impact of open-source AI voice cloning technology on the industry and its ethical implications
An honest conversation about what truly matters in intimate relationships, debunking myths and exploring the importance of communication and emotional connection.
Analyzing Andreessen Horowitz's insights on navigating the challenging software sales landscape in the age of generative AI Discover strategies for success in a competitive market. Original content (Posted September 26, 2024):
Two friends hilariously dissect a disastrous CV, offering brutal but funny commentary on its shortcomings and questionable achievements.
Language: Portuguese
Mergulhe na trama complexa de "Ressurreição", romance de Machado de Assis. Analise os personagens, seus dilemas e o surpreendente final desta obra-prima da literatura brasileira.
A philosophical discussion on Henry Moore's quote "To be an artist is to believe in life" exploring the relationship between art, life, and the creative process.
How the Home Shopping Network overcame Hurricane Milton in 2024 showcasing resilience and community spirit
A humorous exploration of the highly improbable yet fascinating hypothetical: Donald Trump conceding the 2024 election to Kamala Harris The podcast delves into the potential chaos political fallout and legal ramifications of such a surprising turn of events.
Uma discussão apaixonada sobre "Ressurreição", o primeiro romance de Machado de Assis, explorando seus personagens complexos, a ironia sutil e o contexto histórico da obra.
Exploring the complexities of modern dating, from the impact of technology on relationships to understanding attachment styles and building healthy connections
Exploring the role of academic developers as catalysts for change in universities, examining how leadership perception shapes their impact.
Language: Chinese
Discover life lessons from an eight-year-old cocker spaniel and how his simple life can inspire a more joyful and fulfilling existence
Learn about Fatty Liver Syndrome in laying hens its causes prevention and management strategies from leading experts in poultry nutrition and egg production.
Unpacking international food regulations and the EU's approach to food safety, trade, and consumer protection. A discussion of the WTO, FAO, Codex Alimentarius, and key agreements.
Language: Arabic
قصص حقيقية مرعبة عن حيوانات أليفة تحولت إلى قاتلة، من دببة إلى تمساح إلى ثعابين، ستجعلك تعيد النظر في علاقتك بحيواناتك الأليفة.
Dive into the world of Eternal Strands, an upcoming action-adventure game featuring elemental powers, innovative gameplay, and a captivating storyline. Hear our in-depth discussion with exciting reveals.
استكشاف عالم هجمات الحيوانات على البشر من خلال تحليل مقاطع فيديو، وفهم سلوك الحيوانات، واستخلاص دروس مهمة حول السلامة عند التعامل مع الحيوانات البرية والأليفة.
Language: German
Uncover the secrets of mineral absorption—how our bodies acquire essential minerals, the role of humic acids, and the impact of diet and lifestyle. Learn about the complex interactions between minerals and vitamins, and debunk common myths about mineral supplements.
Discover how to create a fulfilling and profitable solopreneur business while prioritizing your well-being and personal values Learn strategies for aligning your work with your passions and building sustainable income streams.
Language: Czech
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekosystémů: tok energie, oběh látek, producenti, konzumenti, dekompozitory, potravní řetězce a pyramidy, ekologická sukcese a biomy
Language: French
Analyse dynamique des résultats français au TIMSS 2023, au-delà des notes absolues On explore les forces et faiblesses du système éducatif français avec humour et perspicacité.
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekologie, od základních pojmů jako biotop a populace až po komplexní vztahy mezi organismy a jejich prostředím. Jednoduché vysvětlení složitých konceptů pro každého.
Uma discussão aprofundada sobre gestão estratégica, explorando conceitos como hiato estratégico, eficácia versus eficiência, diferentes teorias de gestão e modelos de decisão, numa análise completa para gestores e estudantes.
A deep dive into Marvel's *Two-in-One* #1 featuring the Human Torch, the Thing, Spider-Man, and Doctor Doom Expect high-speed chases, award ceremonies, and unexpected twists.
Discover how understanding your unique identity unlocks personal and professional success through Identity Leadership. Explore strategies for aligning your values, purpose, and vision across all areas of your life using the Five D's framework.
A deep dive into Narcissistic Personality Disorder exploring its symptoms, causes, and treatment options Learn about the complexities of NPD and how it impacts relationships and overall well-being
استكشاف جهود الصين الرائدة في مكافحة التصحر، من بناء طرق سريعة عبر الصحاري إلى محطات الطاقة الشمسية العملاقة، وكيف تُغيّر هذه المشاريع المناظر الطبيعية والاقتصاد في الصين.
Discover how understanding your identity paves the way for personal and professional success in entrepreneurship, using Stephanie Arkadie's insights and the Five D Philosophy.
A deep dive into the complexities of Victor Von Doom in Infamous Iron Man issue #10 exploring his past, present, and uncertain future.
Language: Hindi
पंडित राजेश कुमार की रहस्यमयी कहानी, एक तांत्रिक जो तत्वों को नियंत्रित कर सकता था और आत्माओं से बात कर सकता था। क्या यह सिर्फ़ एक कहानी है या इसमें कुछ सच्चाई भी है?
أربع حوادث مروعة لهجمات حيوانات أليفة على أصحابها، تكشف الجانب المظلم لعلاقة الإنسان بالحيوان، وتحذر من مخاطر إهمال الرعاية والسلامة.
A critical analysis of Stephanie Arkadie's Five D Philosophy for achieving personal and professional goals Weighing the benefits of structure against the challenges of rigid self-improvement plans
A deep dive analysis of Infamous Iron Man #9 exploring its twists, turns, and shocking revelations involving Tony Stark, Doctor Doom, and unexpected alliances.
इस एपिसोड में हम यक्षिणियों के इतिहास, उत्पत्ति और पौराणिक कथाओं पर चर्चा करते हैं। इन रहस्यमयी प्राणियों की दोहरी प्रकृति और आधुनिक समाज पर उनके प्रभाव को समझें।
Neste episódio, exploramos o complexo mundo do direito probatório em Portugal analisando a produção antecipada de provas, a instrução, a repartição do ônus da prova, princípios relevantes e os meios de prova disponíveis
A deep dive into the wild world of comic books exploring plot twists, character development and hidden meanings. This episode reviews Infamous Iron Man #7.
نعرض في هذه الحلقة تاريخ الولايات المتحدة مع الكوارث الطبيعية، من الأعاصير المدمرة إلى الزلازل والحرائق، ونستكشف الأسباب الجغرافية والجيولوجية وراء هذه الظاهرة.
Learn how to craft a fulfilling life by aligning your values and goals using a practical visioning process inspired by Stephanie Arkadie's Mind Your Business Mentor podcast.
حلقة نقاشية حول استقالة رئيس الأركان الإسرائيلي وتهنئة أحمد الشرع لترامب، بالإضافة إلى تحليل الوضع في غزة وتداعياته.
A deep dive into Eternal Strands an upcoming fantasy action-adventure game featuring unique gameplay mechanics and stunning visuals
A critical analysis of Mel Robbins' 5 Second Rule, exploring its effectiveness, limitations, and alternatives for overcoming procrastination.
Join our relaxed book club discussing Defy: The Power of No in a World that Demands Yes by Dr. Sunita Sah. Learn practical strategies for work-life balance and effective time management not only in a higher education setting, but in life. Plus earn In-Service credits if applicable. We look forward to creative ways of interacting about this book with you.
Join Sophia and Lily as they countdown their top ten favorite racing games, from realistic simulators to arcade-style fun. Discover the best in open-world exploration, intense competition, and demolition derby chaos!
نقاش حول أحداث "اليوم الأول بعد الحرب" في غزة كما رواها برنامج عبدالله الشريف، مع تحليل للسياق وردود الفعل والنتائج.
Uncover the power of intentional decision-making in all areas of life – from business and finance to relationships and personal growth – and learn how to make choices that shape your destiny.
Décryptage d'une méta-analyse sur l'efficacité de la thérapie manuelle pour les douleurs à l'épaule chez les athlètes pratiquant des sports de lancer au-dessus de la tête. Résultats nuancés et implications pour les étudiants en ostéopathie.
Uncover hidden strengths and challenge limiting beliefs using the Five D Philosophy This episode focuses on self-discovery and cultivating a growth mindset for personal and professional success
Dive into the "Discover" phase of the Five D Philosophy and learn how to identify and overcome limiting beliefs to unlock your full potential for personal and professional growth
تحليل معمّق لأحداث السودان الأخيرة، وخاصةً معركة ود مدني، ودور الإمارات في دعم قوات الدعم السريع، وآثار العقوبات الأمريكية على سير الصراع.
رحلة شيقة نستكشف فيها أثر الحضارة الفرعونية على حياتنا اليومية في مصر من خلال اللغة، العادات، والتقاليد التي ورثناها عن أجدادنا الفراعنة.
Language: Spanish
Exploramos el mundo de las relaciones laborales incluyendo la representación de los trabajadores, la negociación colectiva, los conflictos colectivos, las huelgas y los cierres patronales.
Language: Polish
Dwie różne strategie marketingowe – jedna z gruszkami, druga z pietruszką – i zaskakujące wyniki! Odkryj, jak dopasować kampanię do grupy docelowej i osiągnąć sukces.
Discover how understanding your unique identity unlocks personal and professional success in solopreneurship Learn to build a life and business you love using the Five D's philosophy and MYB Lifestyle Categories
Deconstructing the "survival mindset" in entrepreneurship Is it genuine resilience or manipulative corporate control? We explore the hidden agendas behind the grind.
Plongez au cœur de la gestion stratégique d'un club sportif. Analyse, méthodes et outils pour réussir, même à petite échelle. Une exploration analytique et décontractée du monde fascinant du sport business.
Explore lucrative passive income streams and booming business sectors poised for explosive growth in 2025 Discover how to navigate the evolving financial landscape and create a resilient financial future.
Plongez au cœur de l'Assemblée Générale de l'ESCALL avec Sophia et Lily pour une analyse amusante et détaillée du compte-rendu de la réunion du 10 décembre 2024. Des élections du CODIR aux activités des différentes sections, découvrez la richesse associative de l'ESCALL.
Analyse du procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale de l'ESCALL du 10 décembre 2024, mettant en lumière les activités, les finances et les projets futurs de cette association dynamique.
Discover the best free-to-play cross-platform games available on the Nintendo Switch Join us as we explore a diverse range of titles offering engaging gameplay and the ability to play with friends across multiple platforms
Explore the concept of lifestyle design and how to intentionally create a life aligned with your values using the MYB Lifestyle approach and the Five D Philosophy. Learn practical strategies for entrepreneurs to achieve work-life balance and build a fulfilling life.
Décryptage de la planification stratégique pour les clubs sportifs, des petites associations aux grands clubs professionnels. Conseils pratiques et approches accessibles pour définir une vision à long terme et un plan d'action efficace.
Explore Ellen G White's profound insights on temperance its multifaceted dimensions and implications for personal and societal well-being, personal responsibilities and the role of the church.
Discover a holistic approach to achieving personal and professional success by aligning your inner self with your external goals. Learn the Five D Philosophy and build a life of purpose and profit.
Explora cómo las actividades diarias se convierten en portales espirituales a través de la atención plena y la meditación en acción
Explore the complexities of the human immune system its defenses and how it protects us from disease Learn about innate and adaptive immunity antibodies and more
Discover how embracing a strategically unreasonable approach can unlock groundbreaking success in the world of entrepreneurship Learn to balance audacious goals with smart planning and adaptability
Join our university book club exploring "Defy: The Power of No" Learn to set boundaries, prioritize wellbeing, and reclaim your time and energy.
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět buněk, jejich strukturu, chemické složení a funkce Od buněčné teorie k detailnímu popisu organel a transportních mechanismů.
Discover how big data and machine learning are revolutionizing decision-making in organizations through an optimized Decision Support System
Learn about Fatty Liver Syndrome in laying hens its causes prevention and innovative solutions for healthier birds and increased egg production
Resumen rápido de las noticias más importantes en inteligencia artificial, tecnología y emprendimiento incluyendo el impacto político y las grandes inversiones en el sector.
Discover how understanding your unique identity can unlock personal and professional success This episode explores the power of aligning your actions with your values and inspiring others through your authentic self
رائد فضاء ضائع، عالم فيزياء غريب الأطوار، وآلة غامضة تنقلهم لعوالم موازية مليئة بالمغامرات والمشاكل مع الديناصورات والمخلوقات الغريبة.
Lily y Sophia analizan el Informe Especial sobre el Gasto de Salud en Puerto Rico de OPAL (2024) Exploramos el presupuesto, las causas del aumento en el gasto, el impacto en la salud y esperanza de vida, y el rol del sector salud en la economía puertorriqueña.
Discover ten fantastic free-to-play games for Nintendo Switch that offer cross-platform play with friends on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and mobile. From card games to shooters, this episode explores diverse gaming experiences united by cross-platform fun.
A deep dive into nihilism exploring its various interpretations implications for human existence and responses like despair rebellion and transcendence
Lily et Sophia discutent des effets néfastes d'une surconsommation du numérique sur la santé mentale et physique et proposent des solutions pour une meilleure équilibre.
Découverte fascinante de l'histoire des Tours de Bridiers, un château fort du Limousin, de sa construction à son rôle économique et sa restauration.
Prozkoumáme fascinující cestu života od jeho vzniku až po současnost Vývoj od prvních buněk k lidem a k hlavním teoriím vzniku a vývoje života
Learn how to create a business and life you love using the MYB Lifestyle Categories and the Five D Philosophy. Discover strategies for aligning your personal values with your professional goals and building a life of freedom and fulfillment.
Exploramos el fascinante mundo del desarrollo psicosocial en niños de 6 a 12 años incluyendo el desarrollo emocional, la formación de la personalidad y el desarrollo social.
Explore the transformative power of mindsets and how adopting a growth mindset can unlock your potential for personal and professional success. Learn how to overcome limitations and embrace challenges for continuous growth.
Neste episódio, exploramos as dez dicas essenciais de Igor Pereira para uma perda de peso eficaz e saudável, focando em déficit calórico, hidratação, exercícios, alimentação equilibrada e muito mais. Dicas práticas e conselhos para uma jornada de emagrecimento consciente e duradoura.
Uncover the power of intentional decision-making in all areas of life using Stephanie Arkadie's 5 D Philosophy framework. Learn how conscious choices impact your business, finances, relationships, and personal growth.
Un podcast divertido y picante donde Sophia y Lily exploran el arte de las mentadas de madre, albures y groserías mexicanas con humor y estilo. ¡Prepárense para reír a carcajadas!
Explore the evolution of the EU's Common Agricultural Policy its impact on farming and the environment and the challenges of balancing competing interests.
Learn how to create a life aligned with your values and purpose using the MYB Lifestyle Categories and the Five D Philosophy. Discover actionable steps to build a fulfilling and sustainable life.
A conversation exploring personal development strategies crucial for entrepreneurial success, including self-mastery and the 5-Second Rule. Join us for practical tips and inspiring insights.
Découverte du procès-verbal de l'assemblée générale de l'ESCALL, tenue le 10 décembre 2024 à Biscarrosse, incluant les rapports moral et financier, l'élection du nouveau comité directeur et les discussions sur l'avenir de l'association.
Learn how to create a life of purpose and freedom by intentionally designing your ideal lifestyle. Explore the MYB Lifestyle concept and the Five D Philosophy to achieve your goals and build a thriving business that supports your passions.
Un análisis del concepto de "persona" en el Derecho Romano, incluyendo el *status*, la capacidad jurídica, y la *capitis diminutio*. Exploramos las diferencias entre *homo* y *persona*, y la influencia del *ius naturale* y *ius civile*.
On explore l'impact du guichet virtuel sur l'expérience citoyenne en analysant son utilisation et en proposant des améliorations concrètes pour des démarches administratives plus fluides et agréables.
Ana aceita um convite de casamento surpresa de uma antiga colega e se vê envolvida em uma farsa hilária e decepcionante. Será que o casamento dos sonhos vira pesadelo?
Analyze the impressive career of IT transformation leader Asif Ams His strategic successes and quantifiable results in revenue growth and cost reduction are discussed.
Exploration de la conception et de l'analyse de scénarios d'apprentissage efficaces, incluant les types d'enchaînement des tâches et les modalités d'interaction.
In this episode of "The Mind Your Business Mentor" podcast, I discuss the importance of recognizing yourself as the main asset in your business. As an entrepreneur, it's easy to focus solely on building your business and neglecting your personal growth and development. However, I believe investing in yourself, you can become an even greater asset to your business and achieve long-term success. Prioritizing your personal growth and development has an impact on your business. I emphasize the importance of taking care of yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, in order to show up as your best self for your business. Through the Five D Philosophy, I share actionable steps that entrepreneurs can take to invest in themselves and become the main asset in their business. From setting specific goals for personal and professional growth to developing habits and routines that support your well-being. Tune in to learn how to become the main asset in your business, and achieve long-term success as an entrepreneur.
Un viaje fascinante al corazón de las redes de datos explorando la capa de enlace de datos sus subcapas topologías y modos dúplex de una manera clara y entretenida
Una disputa épica en un mercado local llena de gritos, tamales y una señora muy enojada ¡Escucha la hilarante historia de Santiago y la señora Juanita!
Un análisis profundo del reciente fichaje de Gonzalo Luján por el Inter Miami CF Su juventud, versatilidad y la conexión con Mascherano son claves Se debate su impacto en el equipo y las aspiraciones del club en la MLS
Explore the powerful connection between faith and love in fostering strong enduring relationships Discover the transformative role of prayer in nurturing these bonds
قصص صادمة عن شخصيات شهيرة لقوا حتفهم نتيجة هجمات مفاجئة من حيوانات برية وأليفة على حد سواء، من مغامرين إلى نجوم سينمائيين.
Dans cet épisode, nous décortiquons le match Real Madrid – UD Las Palmas en Liga. On analyse la forme des équipes, les enjeux et on tente de prédire le résultat, en discutant des absences clés et de la stratégie potentielle de chaque équipe.
Explore the "Discover" stage of the Five D Philosophy focusing on identifying and changing limiting beliefs while considering both internal and external obstacles to personal growth
تحليل موضوعي لتغطية إعلامية متضاربة حول دور السعودية وقطر في الأزمة الأخيرة بغزة، مع التركيز على التحليلات والادعاءات المختلفة.
A deep dive into the ambitious Season 2 plan of the Mind Your Business podcast focusing on designing fulfilling entrepreneurial lives through 24 episodes of solo insights and guest interviews.
Aprende los secretos de la voz pasiva en español de una manera fácil y divertida con Sophia y Lily ¡Domina la voz pasiva y sorprende a todos con tu fluidez!
استعراض لستة عشر هجوما حيوانيا على البشر تم تسجيلها بالكاميرا، مع تحليل لأسبابها وكيفية تجنب مثل هذه المواقف الخطيرة.
Exploramos la organización social y política de la República Romana, analizando sus instituciones, magistraturas y las complejas luchas de poder que marcaron su historia
Exploramos la vida, el reinado y la muerte del joven faraón Tutankamón, desentrañando los misterios que rodean su tumba y su legado.
استمعوا إلى هذه الحلقة الشيقة حيث نستعرض أفضل ٢٠ لعبة رياضية جديدة لعام ٢٠٢٥، من منظور الشخص الأول! من ألعاب القتال إلى سباقات السيارات والباركور، انضموا إلينا في هذه الرحلة المذهلة عبر عالم الألعاب الرياضية الافتراضية.
Explore the world of private investigations from information gathering to legal and ethical considerations This podcast covers surveillance techniques report writing and the business side of investigative firms
Explore the "Discover" phase of the Five D Philosophy for personal growth Learn to identify and overcome limiting beliefs to unlock your full potential
This episode explores the "Discover" phase of the Five D Philosophy, focusing on unlearning limiting beliefs and embracing growth mindsets through new experiences.
Discover how to overcome self-limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential using the Five D Philosophy This episode focuses on identifying and challenging negative thought patterns to embrace personal growth
Exploramos las causas, consecuencias e impacto a largo plazo de la Revolución Industrial británica analizando factores económicos, tecnológicos y sociales que transformaron la sociedad para siempre.
Discover how to overcome limiting beliefs and unlock your full potential using the Five D Philosophy Learn to challenge negative self-talk and embrace a growth mindset
A critical review of an investment proposal highlighting crucial areas needing improvement such as market analysis, financial projections, and go-to-market strategy.
Neste episódio, exploramos a importância do autocuidado e como ele se conecta ao cuidado com os outros. Descobrimos o equilíbrio entre nutrir a saúde física e mental para viver uma vida mais plena e significativa.
¡Prepárense para un viaje alucinante con Sophia y Lily mientras analizan un misterioso manual sobre "el sentón verbal"! Mezcal, albures, y una batalla épica de palabras entre Chema y el Iguaño. ¡Risas garantizadas!
Un análisis ameno y sencillo del derecho de la comunicación en España incluyendo la libertad de expresión, la privacidad y la libertad de prensa con ejemplos y anécdotas
Un debate divertido y profundo sobre la identidad de género, la presión social y la importancia de la aceptación. ¡Prepárense para reír, reflexionar y cuestionarlo todo!
Explore India's rich culture using Hall's high- and low-context communication framework Learn to navigate cultural nuances and avoid communication mishaps
Exploramos el funcionamiento interno de las redes Ethernet, incluyendo tramas, direcciones MAC multicast y métodos de reenvío en switches. ¡Aprende sobre el almacenamiento y envío, el corte, y el switching libre de fragmentos!
Wir erkunden das Lean Management System von Kraiburg Austria und seinen innovativen "Verschwendungs-Walk" zur Identifizierung und Beseitigung von Ineffizienzen. Ein strukturierter Prozess mit Teamarbeit und kontinuierlicher Verbesserung.
Un análisis del complejo periodo del Imperio Romano desde Augusto hasta Constantino explorando la transición de República a Imperio y el ingenioso manejo del poder por Augusto.
A lighthearted yet insightful exploration of the age-old debate between atheism and theism, examining philosophical arguments, scientific perspectives, and personal experiences.
Exploramos la controvertida historia de la Sábana Santa de Turín, analizando las evidencias científicas, teorías y debates sobre su autenticidad.
Join us as we explore the "Discover" phase of the Five D Philosophy a framework for personal growth focusing on identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs to unlock hidden potential
Découverte fascinante des Tours de Bridiers, un château médiéval français riche en histoire et en mystères architecturales
Hilarious and cautionary tales of Halloween mishaps fueled by too much holiday spirit (and spirits). Learn from our mistakes so you don't have to!
Discussion sur le rôle essentiel des chefs Scouts et Guides de France dans le développement personnel des jeunes, leur apprentissage de l'autonomie et du respect de la nature.
A lively discussion and review of the top ten racing games spanning various styles from simulation to arcade fun Join Sophia and Lily as they explore the best in racing game experiences
Poznajcie niezwykłą historię Toma, pluszowego kota z tęczowym grzbietem, który z wysypiska śmieci stworzył gastronomiczne imperium. Pełna humoru i zwrotów akcji opowieść o przygodach, biznesie i... dużej ilości jedzenia!
सोफिया और लिली भारत में हुई परास्परात्मक घटनाओं और सोफिया के डरावने अनुभव पर चर्चा करती हैं वैज्ञानिक व्याख्याओं और सामाजिक-सांस्कृतिक प्रभावों पर भी बातचीत होती है
مغامرة غريبة لا تُصدق عبر الزمن إلى أكوان موازية مليئة بالمفاجآت، ديناصورات، كائنات غريبة، ورحلة مثيرة مليئة بالتشويق.
Décryptage des résultats français au TIMSS 2023 en mathématiques : points forts, points faibles et perspectives d'amélioration.
A conversation exploring postpartum depression and psychosis symptoms causes treatment and prevention offering support and understanding for new mothers
Découverte simple et amusante des transformations chimiques avec des exemples concrets et faciles à comprendre
Sophia y Lily destrozan un documento lleno de albures y groserías, analizando la peculiar amistad entre Chema y el Iguanito en una conversación hilarante y sin filtro. Prepárense para un festín de tacos, tequila y mucho, mucho desmadre.
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