Language: French
Dans cet épisode, nous explorons les différents matériaux de cloisons : plâtre, briques, béton cellulaire, plaques de ciment, bois, verre et plaques de cellulose. Nous comparons leurs avantages et inconvénients pour vous aider à faire le meilleur choix pour vos projets.
Language: Dutch
Een analyse van een profielwerkstuk over de impact van kunstmatige intelligentie op het Nederlandse middelbaar onderwijs Kansen en uitdagingen van AI in de klas worden besproken.
Exploration approfondie de la dyslexie, basée sur les travaux de Franck Ramus. Discussion sur les origines cognitives, neurobiologiques et génétiques, les traitements efficaces et les défis pédagogiques.
Language: English
A humorous discussion of Robin Fogarty's ten models of curriculum integration exploring their practicality and potential in modern education.
A study buddy podcast breaking down complex concepts of globalization, governance, and sustainable development making exam prep easier and more enjoyable
Décryptage des cloisons: types, matériaux, choix et applications pour un aménagement intérieur réussi. Conseils d'experts pour vos projets.
Language: None
Décryptage des difficultés d'apprentissage de la lecture en France, des inégalités sociales aux méthodes innovantes comme "Lili CP" Analyse de recherches scientifiques pour améliorer l'enseignement de la lecture.
Language: Italian
Un'esplorazione semplice e accessibile delle leggi di Keplero sul moto dei pianeti nel nostro sistema solare e oltre
Language: Spanish
Exploramos el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en trabajos académicos y de investigación ¿Herramienta útil o amenaza para la educación? Analizamos un estudio sobre el uso de ChatGPT y debatimos los desafíos éticos y prácticos.
Explore the fundamental building blocks of life: elements, macromolecules, and cellular respiration explained simply.
Learn the rules and practice pronouncing the three sounds of "-ed" verb endings in English This episode helps improve fluency and confidence in speaking English
Two former Berkeley students recount their harrowing experiences surviving Organic Chemistry, sharing relatable struggles and humorous anecdotes.
A deep dive into Edexcel GCSE Psychology's Social Influence topic exploring obedience, conformity, deindividuation and the bystander effect with insightful analysis of key studies.
Aprende los trucos y secretos para dominar el formato de fuente en Microsoft Word 2016 ¡desde lo básico hasta los atajos más avanzados!
A deep dive into student attitudes towards college-level writing exploring the complexities of expectations, teaching methodologies and the evolving nature of writing itself.
A fun and engaging exploration of aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids demystifying organic chemistry concepts through a lively conversation.
Un progetto innovativo che rivisita le fiabe classiche per promuovere l'uguaglianza di genere nelle scuole europee coinvolgendo attivamente gli studenti nella riscrittura delle storie.
AI-gegenereerde Amsterdamse HvA-studenten bespreken het gebruik van generatieve AI in het onderwijs. De ethische dilemma's en de regels van de HvA komen aan bod.
Language: Marathi
या एपिसोडमध्ये आपण भारतातील शाळा शिक्षण प्रणालीतील विद्यार्थ्यांच्या संख्येच्या वाढीपासून ते नवीन शिकवण्याच्या पद्धती आणि NEP च्या क्रांतिकारी बदलांपर्यंत अनेक आव्हानांची चर्चा करतो.
Exploramos los perfiles profesionales en Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática según ACM e IEEE incluyendo computación, software, ciberseguridad y ciencia de datos
Expert advice and tips to help you pass your UK driving theory test with flying colours Covering key topics like alertness, vehicle loading, safety, and road signs
Analyse critique d'études sur l'influence de la planification de l'étude du code alphabétique sur les performances des élèves en décodage au cours préparatoire. Discussion des méthodologies, des résultats et des implications pour l'enseignement de la lecture.
A humorous look at standard deviation a statistical measure of data dispersion using cats and other relatable examples. Perfect for those who need a less-than-serious introduction to the concept.
Duik in de wereld van de fysische slinger met Alex en Sam! Ontdek demping, traagheidsmomenten en de onvermijdelijke wiskunde achter deze fascinerende beweging. Een podcast vol explosies van kennis en hilarische momenten!
Learn to speak with confidence and clarity This podcast provides fun and engaging tips and tricks to improve your communication skills
A discussion on a new digital incident and complaint reporting system designed to streamline processes, enhance user privacy, and improve accountability in universities.
Exploration des différents types de cloisons leurs utilisations et méthodes de construction Conseils pratiques pour choisir et installer des cloisons.
Exploramos el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en trabajos académicos y de investigación analizando un estudio sobre la detección de textos generados por IA. Discutimos las implicaciones éticas y los desafíos para la integridad académica.
Uncover the secrets behind effective research sampling methods Learn about probability and non-probability sampling techniques and how they impact research validity.
Un progetto Erasmus+ rielabora fiabe classiche per promuovere l'uguaglianza di genere e altri valori importanti coinvolgendo giovani insegnanti e studenti
Analizamos el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en los trabajos académicos y los desafíos éticos que plantea el uso de herramientas como ChatGPT
A deep dive into the world of metal casting exploring molds gating systems and the intricacies of molten metal processes
Examining the roles of intermediaries in Swiss public-private education partnerships, exploring network sustainability and the balance between public and private sector involvement.
Language: Tamil
கல்வி ஆராய்ச்சியில் பயன்படுத்தப்படும் ஃபேக்டர் அனாலிசிஸ் பற்றிய விளக்கம் EFA மற்றும் CFA முறைகள் பற்றிய விளக்கம் மற்றும் பயன்பாடுகள்
Two students dissect a challenging literature exam, exploring character emotions and universal themes in Roald Dahl's "The Hitchhiker" and beyond.
Exploramos el impacto de las pantallas en niños y cómo establecer límites saludables para un desarrollo integral. Consejos prácticos para padres preocupados por el uso excesivo de tecnología.
Language: Ukrainian
Простий та зрозумілий розбір основних понять хімії за підручником Майкла Фрімантла. Обговорюємо будову атома, хімічні зв'язки, реакції та багато іншого.
Alex and Sam dive into ten different curriculum integration models, from the fragmented traditional approach to the fully integrated—and hilariously debate their merits (and flaws)
Explore the incredible impact of a school's makerspace on student learning and engagement through VR experiences, environmental projects, and inclusive learning initiatives.
A discussion on Harvard University's historical impact on American higher education its contributions to knowledge and its ongoing debate regarding accessibility and elitism
A discussion on the ethical and responsible use of generative AI in universities focusing on a specific university's guidelines.
A discussion on the potential of artificial intelligence to transform education in India, addressing challenges and opportunities in personalized learning, accessibility, and teacher training.
Language: Portuguese
Exploramos como a Escola de Métiers de Friburgo está usando inteligência artificial na avaliação dos alunos, discutindo os benefícios e desafios dessa abordagem inovadora e suas implicações éticas.
Reimagine classic fairy tales with interactive choices for a unique bedtime listening experience that fosters imagination and critical thinking. Each episode features a beloved story with multiple paths, ensuring a peaceful and satisfying conclusion no matter the choice.
Learn how to use the power of dopamine to improve your study habits and boost motivation Break down tasks for small wins and big rewards
A discussion on the challenges and opportunities of integrating AI into education in Africa focusing on teacher training infrastructure and cost-effectiveness
Exploring the use of design thinking to foster social inclusion and pluralism among young people through innovative pedagogical methods and holistic programs.
A fun and easy explanation of cellular respiration and photosynthesis using sports analogies. Learn how cells create energy!
A fun look at the differences between transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes focusing on the rebellious RNA polymerase
Een discussie over Thomas' onderzoek naar de invloed van AI op leerlingen en docenten in het middelbaar onderwijs de kansen en risico's van AI in de klas.
Een korte podcast over een profielwerkstuk over de invloed van AI op het middelbaar onderwijs Resultaten van enquêtes en een expertinterview worden besproken
A fun exploration of research methodology focusing on sampling techniques and the importance of representative samples in research. Learn about random vs non-random sampling methods and the challenges of achieving truly representative results.
Dive into the fascinating world of cell biology and explore the drama of the cell cycle, from DNA replication to mitosis and the role of cell division in cancer.
Two academics dissect a truly awful PowerPoint presentation with wit and sarcasm offering a comedic yet insightful look at poor research practices.
Learn key elements for creating engaging and impactful train-the-trainer workshops, focusing on active learning and continuous improvement
En este vídeo les doy 31 consejos que deben escuchar. Así que, ESCUCHA
Explore the evolution of educational perspectives through a Romantic-era poem and a modern speech, examining the enduring relationship between students, teachers, and the pursuit of knowledge.
Explore how artificial intelligence is transforming teaching strategies and creating more engaging learning experiences for students. We discuss personalized learning, AI tools, ethical considerations, and the future of education.
Language: Turkish
Bu bölümde, karmaşık PDF dosyalarındaki teorileri ve bulguları anlaşılır bir şekilde ele alıyoruz. X teorisini ve Y hipotezini inceleyerek, dinleyicilerimize net bir resim sunmayı hedefliyoruz.
Un divertido recorrido por el mundo de las plagas insectos arácnidos y otros bichos que nos causan problemas ¡Con chistes incluidos!
Un divertido recorrido por el fascinante mundo de los insectos y arácnidos desde la taxonomía hasta las enfermedades que transmiten
Analizamos la dinámica demográfica global y la situación específica de Costa Rica, explorando conceptos clave como natalidad, mortalidad, migración y fecundidad, y sus implicaciones sociales y económicas.
Un análisis de la natalidad, mortalidad, fecundidad y migración en Costa Rica y otros países, comparando naciones desarrolladas y en vías de desarrollo para entender las proyecciones del siglo XXI.
Exploring the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on education, personalized learning, and ethical considerations.
Contaminación del agua
Un divertido recorrido por el mundo de la entomología y la parasitología explorando artrópodos, miriápodos, insectos y vertebrados que afectan nuestra salud y el medio ambiente
Un viaje divertido y educativo al mundo de las plagas desde los ácaros hasta las palomas ¡Prepárate para reír y aprender!
A deep dive into qualitative research design in special education, analyzing a chapter on qualitative research and a research article on early intervention home visits, focusing on meaningful parent participation. We discuss key tenets of qualitative research and formulate insightful questions for a guest speaker.
This episode explores survey research methods in special education, analyzing a research article on early intervention and featuring insightful questions for discussion.
This episode explores the differences between jobs and careers, the importance of education and skills (both hard and soft) and how to find a fulfilling career path
This episode explores the differences between jobs and careers, educational pathways, the importance of hard and soft skills, and how to find a fulfilling career path.
Alex and Sam discuss positive parenting techniques focusing on emotional understanding and setting boundaries without resorting to rewards or punishments.
A deep dive into HC Verma's iconic physics textbook exploring its structure, approach and value for aspiring physicists
A deep dive into HC Verma's renowned physics textbook exploring its unique approach to learning and problem-solving
Ace your global governance and development exam with this last-minute study session covering key concepts, definitions, and real-world examples. Perfect for students needing a quick review before the big day
A crash course on sustainable development, global governance, and tackling global challenges like poverty and climate change, perfect for exam prep. Covers key concepts and theories in an engaging conversation.
A fun and engaging exploration of biochemistry, from the basics of water to the complex proteins of the eye This podcast simplifies complex concepts for beginners and seasoned biology enthusiasts alike
Journey into the fascinating world of muscle tissue development exploring the origins and growth of skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscles from embryonic layers.
Exploring how artificial intelligence is transforming education, personalizing learning, and improving accessibility for all students.
A quick look at Robin Fogarty's ten models for curriculum integration from the Fragmented to the Nested model
Alex and Sam explore ten different models for integrating school curricula—from the fragmented to the fully networked—making sense of educational approaches.
Exploramos el Diseño Universal para el Aprendizaje (DUA) cómo revolucionar la educación para que sea inclusiva y accesible para todos los estudiantes
Exploring the transformative impact of artificial intelligence on education in India, addressing challenges and highlighting innovative solutions.
Language: Finnish
Tutkimus varhaiskasvatussuunnitelmien toteutumisesta päiväkodeissa ja perhepäivähoidossa Suomessa Paljastaa onnistumiset ja haasteet
Exploring the transformative potential of technology in education, examining both the exciting possibilities and the crucial need for thoughtful integration and pedagogical shifts to ensure equitable access and improved learning outcomes for all students.
Language: Hindi
ब्रिटिश काउंसिल और कैम्ब्रिज की रिपोर्ट पर आधारित, इस पॉडकास्ट में हम कौशल आधारित गणित शिक्षा के फायदे और चुनौतियों पर चर्चा करते हैं। क्या यह सभी छात्रों के लिए उपयुक्त है? शिक्षकों पर इसका क्या प्रभाव पड़ेगा? इन सवालों के जवाब इस पॉडकास्ट में।
Discover the power of combining qualitative and quantitative research to understand educational interventions more effectively. We explore why this approach is crucial for truly understanding the impact of new teaching methods and programs.
Aprende español con Sara mientras resuelves un misterio cautivador ¡Aventura aprendizaje y mucha diversión!
Two friends tackle the physics of pendulums in a hilarious and insightful lab experiment Get ready for equations, damping coefficients, and maybe even some anime conspiracy theories
Two friends tackle a challenging Grade 10 accounting exam covering statements of comprehensive income and financial positions They discuss profit margins depreciation and other key concepts
Explore Erik Erikson's psychosocial stages of Initiative vs Guilt and Industry vs Inferiority Learn how to support children's development and overcome common challenges
Child psychologist Dr Anya Sharma joins to discuss Erikson's stages of psychosocial development focusing on initiative vs guilt and industry vs inferiority offering insights for parents and educators
Language: German
Eine humorvolle Einführung in die Welt der Karten und ihrer Anwendung im Alltag und in verschiedenen wissenschaftlichen Bereichen. Von topografischen Karten bis hin zu Satellitenbildern – wir erklären die Grundlagen einfach und verständlich.
Alex und Sam erkunden die faszinierende Welt der Karten: von topografischen Karten bis zu Satellitenbildern und GIS-Systemen. Ein unterhaltsamer und informativer Einblick in die Kartografie.
Learn grammar with laughter! Join Alex and Sam as they explode common grammatical myths and make learning fun. Get ready for a comedic journey through the world of words.
Language: Czech
Zábavný a poučný rozhovor o organické chemii zaměřený na alkany, alkany a alkyny Jejich vlastnosti, reaktivita a důležité reakce jsou vysvětleny srozumitelným a zábavným způsobem.
Alex e Sam esplorano il fantastico processo della fotosintesi clorofilliana spiegando le sue due fasi: luminosa e oscura Un viaggio alla scoperta del ciclo vitale delle piante e del suo legame con la respirazione cellulare
A deep dive into the fascinating world of the brain and neuropsychology for GCSE Psychology students, exploring lateralization, neurotransmitters, and the impact of neurological damage.
A detailed discussion of the Edexcel GCSE Psychology Paper 1 revision guide covering development, psychological problems, and research methods. Perfect for exam preparation.
Een kritische blik op de rol van artificiële intelligentie in het Nederlandse hoger onderwijs. Is AI de oplossing voor alle problemen, of slechts een dure hype? We wegen de voordelen en nadelen af en bespreken de ethische implicaties.
पाँचवीं कक्षा के बच्चों के लिए ज्योमेट्री की एक मज़ेदार और आसान सीखने की यात्रा! बिंदुओं, रेखाओं, कोणों और आकृतियों की दुनिया को समझें, मज़ेदार बातचीत और उदाहरणों के साथ।
Ursachen und Entstehung von Verhaltensstörungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen aus medizinischer psychologischer soziologischer und pädagogischer Sicht
Wir diskutieren sonderpädagogische Fördermaßnahmen bei ADS, die medizinischen und pädagogischen Perspektiven und die Suche nach ganzheitlichen Lösungen.
Two hosts hilariously dissect a disastrous cell cycle presentation Expect absurd analogies and witty banter as they expose scientific inaccuracies and celebrate the comedic potential of cellular biology.
Explore the unexpected collaboration between Headspace and Sesame Street, bringing mindfulness to children through animation, podcasts, and books. Discover the impact and success of this unique partnership.
A fun discussion about Harvard University, its history, prestige, and surprisingly, its coffee shops.
A discussion on Harvard University its history legacy and the ongoing debate about its value and accessibility
Learn about measuring estimating and drawing angles using protractors This episode covers the basics of angles including the history of the 360-degree circle and provides practical exercises for improving your geometry skills
इस एपिसोड में हम माइक्रोबायोलॉजी की दुनिया में उतरेंगे, बैक्टीरिया, कवक, वायरस, शैवाल और प्रोटोजोआ जैसे सूक्ष्मजीवों के विभिन्न पहलुओं को समझेंगे। इनके वर्गीकरण, गुणों और महत्व पर चर्चा करेंगे।
Обговорюємо вплив шкідливих іграшок на психіку та моральний розвиток дітей. Розбираємо приклади "антииграшок" та обговорюємо відповідальність батьків у виборі іграшок для своїх дітей.
Exploramos la importancia de la educación infantil, su impacto en las comunidades y los desafíos para lograr una educación inclusiva y sostenible. Se discuten temas como la financiación, la formación de educadores y la colaboración con familias.
Una rapida panoramica del mondo della biologia, dalle cellule agli ecosistemi, passando per il DNA e l'evoluzione. Un viaggio alla scoperta della vita!
Alex e Sam esplorano il vasto mondo della biologia, dalle basi della vita ai dibattiti etici sulle biotecnologie, in una conversazione stimolante e accessibile a tutti.
Demystify complex biological concepts using fundamental equations This podcast makes learning biology easier by connecting abstract formulas to real-world examples and memory tricks
Demystifying factor analysis a statistical method used to understand complex patterns in educational data This episode explores its applications in improving student outcomes and educational research
Demystifying factor analysis a powerful statistical tool used in educational research to uncover hidden patterns in complex data sets Learn about EFA and CFA and how they help researchers understand student learning and improve teaching practices
Demystifying cellular respiration—how your cells create energy—in a fun and easy-to-understand conversation. Learn the key stages and unlock your inner science superhero!
A fun look at Manipal University's "Foundations of Data Science" course exploring the exciting world of data analysis and its real-world applications
इस पॉडकास्ट में हम डेटा साइंस के बेसिक कॉन्सेप्ट्स जैसे डेटा के प्रकार, सैंपलिंग, स्टैटिस्टिकल टेस्टिंग और डेटा विजुअलाइजेशन सीखेंगे।
Engaging bedtime stories with choices that let kids shape the narrative A fun and relaxing way to encourage imagination and creativity before sleep
Maria shares her incredible experience studying German in Munich including her classes, roommate experience, and becoming class president
This podcast episode explores the nuances of using "will" and "be going to" to express future tense in English, clarifying their subtle yet significant differences in meaning and usage.
Demystify the English future tense Learn the difference between "will" and "be going to" and master future predictions and plans.
A conversation exploring the lasting impact of colonialism on Nigerian education and the potential of e-learning to create a more equitable and culturally relevant system.
Expert advice and strategies to ace the IELTS exam, covering test formats, study techniques, and effective preparation methods. Learn how to achieve your desired score and unlock international opportunities.
Two friends dissect a challenging 10th-grade literature exam, exploring literary analysis techniques and creative writing prompts.
Two students dissect a challenging 10th-grade literature exam focusing on Roald Dahl's "The Hitchhiker" exploring character analysis and realism
A fun discussion about the educational value of shape sorter toys for toddlers and their benefits for early childhood development
Explore the fascinating world of transcription in prokaryotes and eukaryotes—the process of turning DNA into RNA—in this engaging podcast. Learn about the key players, mechanisms, and differences between these two cellular systems.
A fun and informative discussion about the fascinating process of transcription in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells Learn about RNA polymerase, promoters, and the differences between these crucial cellular mechanisms.
A lively discussion comparing and contrasting the fascinating processes of transcription in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Explore the complexities and differences in RNA polymerase, initiation, elongation, termination and splicing.
A lighthearted dive into linear algebra and multivariable calculus tackling gradients and Hessians
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