Language: English
Exploring the role of academic developers as catalysts for change in universities, examining how leadership perception shapes their impact.
Language: Arabic
استكشاف عالم هجمات الحيوانات على البشر من خلال تحليل مقاطع فيديو، وفهم سلوك الحيوانات، واستخلاص دروس مهمة حول السلامة عند التعامل مع الحيوانات البرية والأليفة.
Language: French
Analyse dynamique des résultats français au TIMSS 2023, au-delà des notes absolues On explore les forces et faiblesses du système éducatif français avec humour et perspicacité.
Language: Czech
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět ekologie, od základních pojmů jako biotop a populace až po komplexní vztahy mezi organismy a jejich prostředím. Jednoduché vysvětlení složitých konceptů pro každého.
Join our relaxed book club discussing Defy: The Power of No in a World that Demands Yes by Dr. Sunita Sah. Learn practical strategies for work-life balance and effective time management not only in a higher education setting, but in life. Plus earn In-Service credits if applicable. We look forward to creative ways of interacting about this book with you.
Join our university book club exploring "Defy: The Power of No" Learn to set boundaries, prioritize wellbeing, and reclaim your time and energy.
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět buněk, jejich strukturu, chemické složení a funkce Od buněčné teorie k detailnímu popisu organel a transportních mechanismů.
Prozkoumáme fascinující cestu života od jeho vzniku až po současnost Vývoj od prvních buněk k lidem a k hlavním teoriím vzniku a vývoje života
Language: Spanish
Exploramos el fascinante mundo del desarrollo psicosocial en niños de 6 a 12 años incluyendo el desarrollo emocional, la formación de la personalidad y el desarrollo social.
Exploration de la conception et de l'analyse de scénarios d'apprentissage efficaces, incluant les types d'enchaînement des tâches et les modalités d'interaction.
Language: German
Aprende los secretos de la voz pasiva en español de una manera fácil y divertida con Sophia y Lily ¡Domina la voz pasiva y sorprende a todos con tu fluidez!
Décryptage des résultats français au TIMSS 2023 en mathématiques : points forts, points faibles et perspectives d'amélioration.
Découverte simple et amusante des transformations chimiques avec des exemples concrets et faciles à comprendre
Explore communication theories from ancient philosophies to modern media effects Discover how messages are created, interpreted, and spread in today's world
A deep dive into acids, bases, pH, redox reactions, and electrochemistry exploring different theories and practical applications.
A discussion on the crucial need for mental health education in schools, exploring its benefits for students' well-being and academic success.
Exploration de la ludification et de son impact révolutionnaire sur l'éducation. Découverte des mécanismes ludiques pour motiver et engager les apprenants, et exemples concrets de réussite.
Exploramos la guía de estudio de Victoria Pública para el segundo parcial enfocándonos en la eficacia personal y profesional para construir una vida equilibrada y plena.
Analyzing the impact of Serbia's Dual Education Law on schools, companies, and students, highlighting challenges and successes in implementing work-based learning.
Explore cellular respiration, photosynthesis, the immune system, and epidemiological modeling in this engaging science podcast.
Explore the crucial role of trust in academic development programs focusing on a case study of a redesigned program that prioritized credibility, identity, and value to foster trust between faculty and academic developers.
Découverte de l'année scolaire à l'école Tristan L'Hermite à La Souterraine grâce à son blog On parle événements, financement, implication des parents et projets futurs
Wir erkunden die fünf Phasen der Bevölkerungsentwicklung, von der Agrargesellschaft bis zur posttransformativen Phase, und erklären wichtige Begriffe wie Geburtenrate, Sterberate und Alterspyramiden. Ein spannender Einblick in die Dynamik der Bevölkerung!
Exploration du rôle de la DRNE dans l'intégration du numérique éducatif en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, incluant la formation des enseignants et la réduction de la fracture numérique.
Découverte de l'impact des neurosciences sur les méthodes d'enseignement et l'apprentissage. Comment optimiser l'acquisition des connaissances grâce à la compréhension du cerveau.
Prozkoumáme fascinující svět obranných mechanismů rostlin a živočichů od kamufláže po aktivní útoky a zjistíme, jak se organismy chrání před predátory
Lily et Sophia discutent de l'impact de l'intelligence artificielle sur l'enseignement, des défis et des opportunités qu'elle offre pour une éducation plus équitable et personnalisée.
Jednoduché a srozumitelné vysvětlení buněčného metabolismu a fotosyntézy Prozkoumáme anabolické a katabolické reakce, enzymy, světelnou a temnostní fázi fotosyntézy a další fascinující detaily.
Wir erkunden die faszinierenden Ursachen und Muster der Bevölkerungsverteilung weltweit und diskutieren wichtige Faktoren wie Klima, Wirtschaft und soziale Aspekte. Von Großstädten bis hin zu ländlichen Regionen beleuchten wir die komplexen Zusammenhänge der Bevölkerungsentwicklung.
A deep dive into academics' views on quality assurance in higher education exploring challenges, tensions, and the pursuit of meaningful improvements in teaching and learning.
On explore les avantages et les défis de l'intelligence artificielle dans l'éducation, du gain de temps à la personnalisation de l'apprentissage, en passant par les questions d'équité et de protection des données.
Dos IA's analizan documentos PDF con mucho mezcal y humor mexicano. Un análisis profundo y desternillante con un "Momento Joel" incluido. ¡Prepárense para reír y aprender!
حلقة ممتعة ومفيدة نناقش فيها محتوى PDF بطريقة بسيطة ومسلية باللهجة المصرية مع لمسة مصرية خالصة
Eine faszinierende Diskussion über die Schönheit und Vielfalt unserer Erde von Bergen bis zu Ozeanen Mythen und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse werden kombiniert
On explore le potentiel de l'IA générative dans l'éducation, les défis de l'accès équitable et de l'éthique, et l'importance de la formation des enseignants.
Un análisis de la tesis doctoral de Ildefonso Hernández Castro sobre la experiencia transpersonal en docentes y universitarios integrando perspectivas desde la psicología, la filosofía, las matemáticas y la sociología.
Explore the fundamental principles of chemical reactivity, from frontier molecular orbital theory to pericyclic reactions, with engaging discussions and insightful examples.
A fun and informative look at European Union demographics and history, breaking down complex concepts in an easy-to-understand way.
Exploramos la historia y el panorama actual de la atención a la diversidad en la educación en España incluyendo necesidades educativas especiales (NEE), desde la integración a la inclusión educativa.
Explore the fascinating world of volcanoes their parts types eruptions and magma viscosity Learn about different volcano types and eruption styles from shield volcanoes to Plinian eruptions
Learn about a comprehensive training manual for hair system specialists covering application, client care, business skills and more
Exploramos el ensayo "La Evaluación de los Aprendizajes" de José Mª Arribas Estebaranz, analizando los desafíos de la evaluación educativa, la tensión entre evaluación formativa y sumativa, y la influencia de la LOMCE.
Dans cet épisode, nous explorons les différents matériaux de cloisons : plâtre, briques, béton cellulaire, plaques de ciment, bois, verre et plaques de cellulose. Nous comparons leurs avantages et inconvénients pour vous aider à faire le meilleur choix pour vos projets.
Exploramos los conceptos fundamentales de la programación, desde datos hasta algoritmos en Java, utilizando el método POLYA y ejemplos sencillos.
Décryptage de la croissance économique pour les élèves de terminale SES. On explore ses sources, ses défis, et son impact sur l'environnement et les inégalités, le tout avec humour !
Discover the importance of date nights for a thriving relationship Learn practical tips and tricks to prioritize romance and strengthen your bond with your partner. Explore creative and budget-friendly date night ideas.
Language: Portuguese
Neste episódio, discutimos como lidar com reclamações de clientes sobre a indisponibilidade do serviço de internet, focando em empatia, comunicação eficaz e soluções justas.
Friendly AI mentors offer insightful advice and inspiration to the graduating class of 2025, covering critical thinking, passion, resilience, and lifelong learning.
A humorous discussion of Robin Fogarty's ten models of curriculum integration exploring their practicality and potential in modern education.
Language: Italian
Un'esplorazione semplice e accessibile delle leggi di Keplero sul moto dei pianeti nel nostro sistema solare e oltre
A comprehensive biology review covering cells, genetics, and body systems to help students prepare for their final exam.
A deep dive into Computer Engineering principles covering binary representation, combinational and sequential logic circuits, debugging techniques, and Hardware Description Languages
Diese Episode beleuchtet die Bedeutung von Teamwork und Fleiß anhand einer Schülergruppe die gemeinsam an einem Projekt arbeitet Lerne wie Zusammenarbeit und gegenseitige Unterstützung zum Erfolg führen können
Wir analysieren Werner Helsper's "Autorität und Schule" und diskutieren die Entwicklung und Herausforderungen der Lehrerautorität in der modernen Schule. Ein Blick auf Pädagogik und Gesellschaftskritik.
A fun and easy explanation of extreme weather phenomena using physics, chemistry, and the water cycle
Learn the art of crafting effective surveys, from question design to data analysis, and uncover the secrets to reliable research findings.
Aprende los trucos para resolver operaciones combinadas fácilmente ¡con ejemplos divertidos! Domina los paréntesis, multiplicaciones, sumas y restas sin complicaciones.
Language: Russian
Learn the German verb "sein" (to be) in three tenses: present, preterite, and perfect This episode provides a clear and simple explanation for German learners
A deep dive into the fundamentals of computer architecture and programming using Verilog and assembly language examples Learn about CPUs, memory, instruction cycles and more
Language: Chinese
Language: None
Décryptage des difficultés d'apprentissage de la lecture en France, des inégalités sociales aux méthodes innovantes comme "Lili CP" Analyse de recherches scientifiques pour améliorer l'enseignement de la lecture.
Language: Dutch
In deze aflevering ontdekken we de wereld van zuren: organische en anorganische, binair en ternair We leren over hun structuur en naamgeving
This podcast delves into the crucial topic of identifying and reporting abuse within Australian community service education, focusing on the CHCCCS033 unit and providing practical strategies for community service workers.
Learn the art of hair system fitting, maintenance, and business building from expert instructors This podcast explores a training program designed to transform aspiring professionals into expert hair system specialists
Ontdek de basisprincipes van polymeerkunde, de verschillende soorten polymeren en hun vervaardiging in deze boeiende aflevering. Van thermoplasten tot thermoharders, we behandelen het allemaal!
Language: Swedish
Utforska skapandet av engagerande onlinekurser inspirerade av pedagogiska principer och utterns charm Analysera berättelsens kraft, kognitiva biaser och effektiv design för inlärning. Allt på mindre än fem minuter.
Wir erklären unregelmäßige Verben und Possessivpronomen im Deutschen auf einfache und verständliche Weise mit Beispielen und Tipps zum besseren Lernen
Uma conversa sobre os passos da investigação científica desde a concepção até a análise de dados, diferenciando senso comum e conhecimento científico, e explorando métodos quantitativos e qualitativos.
A beginner-friendly exploration of digital logic design covering binary numbers, Boolean algebra, logic gates, combinational and sequential circuits, and hardware description languages.
Exploramos el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en trabajos académicos y de investigación ¿Herramienta útil o amenaza para la educación? Analizamos un estudio sobre el uso de ChatGPT y debatimos los desafíos éticos y prácticos.
Demystifying CAIE AS Level Computer Science 9618 This podcast breaks down complex concepts in information representation, multimedia, compression, networks, and processor fundamentals making them easy to understand for students
Wir analysieren die Macht der Wortwahl im Deutschen anhand von Beispieltexten: Kollegengespräche, Arztbesuche und Schulden-Dialoge. Entdeckt, wie verschiedene Wörter die Bedeutung und Atmosphäre eines Textes komplett verändern können
Een duik in de wereld van polymeren: van monomeren tot kunststoffen, productiemethoden en duurzame opties. Ontdek de basisprincipes en toepassingen van deze fascinerende materialen.
Exploramos el curso D18MM104 de CIMAT y EMED sobre métodos multivariados con análisis de componentes principales y análisis de factores
Exploration approfondie de la dyslexie, basée sur les travaux de Franck Ramus. Discussion sur les origines cognitives, neurobiologiques et génétiques, les traitements efficaces et les défis pédagogiques.
Een analyse van een profielwerkstuk over de impact van kunstmatige intelligentie op het Nederlandse middelbaar onderwijs Kansen en uitdagingen van AI in de klas worden besproken.
Een discussie over Thomas Schut's profielwerkstuk over de impact van AI op het middelbaar onderwijs, inclusief de voordelen, nadelen en ethische dilemma's.
Dans cet épisode, nous explorons les points clés du livre "Jouer pour apprendre", définissant les éléments d'un jeu efficace et détaillant un processus en neuf étapes pour concevoir des jeux d'apprentissage engageants.
Exploramos el concepto de las variables Dummy, herramientas esenciales en análisis estadísticos y modelos econométricos que simplifican el análisis de datos cualitativos.
Two former Berkeley students recount their harrowing experiences surviving Organic Chemistry, sharing relatable struggles and humorous anecdotes.
Unlock the power of reflective practice in your ePortfolio Learn effective methods like the 4Rs and "What So What Now What" models to transform your learning journey.
A study buddy podcast breaking down complex concepts of globalization, governance, and sustainable development making exam prep easier and more enjoyable
Un recorrido por los métodos de estudio de la anatomía humana según Moore, octava edición Abordamos la anatomía regional, sistémica y clínica
A comprehensive review of key biology concepts from semester one including cells, genetics, and essential life processes perfect for exam prep
A deep dive into the curriculum of "Unité et biodiversité" Block III exploring cellular processes enabling cell function and reproduction covering nucleic acids, the cell cycle, cell division, protein synthesis, and gene expression
Understand and apply Bloom's Taxonomy, a framework for categorizing educational objectives and improving learning and critical thinking skills
Eine Reise durch die Geschichte der Rhetorik von der Antike bis zur modernen Welt Erfahren Sie, wie man die Kunst der Überzeugung meistert
Un'esplorazione della chimica del carbonio, dalla formazione di legami alla varietà di molecole organiche che crea
A deep dive into Edexcel GCSE Psychology's Social Influence topic exploring obedience, conformity, deindividuation and the bystander effect with insightful analysis of key studies.
A kid-friendly exploration of extreme weather science, covering the water cycle, properties of substances, and more! Learn about physics, chemistry, and the amazing journey of water on Earth.
A discussion on transforming education to foster intrinsic motivation and critical thinking in students through project-based learning and technology integration
Diese Folge beleuchtet den komplexen Begriff der "Bildung" aus verschiedenen Perspektiven. Wir analysieren die Theorien von Humboldt und Klafki, diskutieren die Ökonomisierung der Bildung und die Rolle von PISA-Studien.
An analysis of Serbia's progress in implementing dual education, highlighting challenges and successes in integrating work-based learning into vocational training.
Décryptage des cloisons: types, matériaux, choix et applications pour un aménagement intérieur réussi. Conseils d'experts pour vos projets.
Exploramos el fascinante mundo de la administración, desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad, con explicaciones sencillas y ejemplos memorables. Un viaje a través de la historia del pensamiento administrativo y las habilidades necesarias para un buen administrador.
Analyzing the implementation of Serbia's dual education law, highlighting successes and challenges in workforce development and stakeholder collaboration
A heartfelt message to the graduating class of 2025 from Sophia and Lily offering encouragement and well wishes as they embark on their next adventure
Language: Turkish
İngilizce şart cümlelerinin (if clauses) 1, 2 ve 3. tiplerini açıklayan basit ve anlaşılır bir podcast bölümü
A lighthearted look at the rollercoaster of adolescence, exploring brain development, identity formation, and the importance of social connections during this crucial period.
A fun and engaging exploration of aldehydes, ketones, and carboxylic acids demystifying organic chemistry concepts through a lively conversation.
Фантастическое обсуждение будущего образования в Кургане с фокусом на технологиях, IT и персонализированном обучении.
A discussion on the challenges and strategies for a major integrated marketing communications project for university students
Un progetto innovativo che rivisita le fiabe classiche per promuovere l'uguaglianza di genere nelle scuole europee coinvolgendo attivamente gli studenti nella riscrittura delle storie.
Ein Podcast über deutsche Geschichte, Informatik, Klimawandel, Technologie und Politik – ein bunter Mix an Themen!
Entdecke die Vorteile des Deutschlernens Karrierechancen, kulturelle Bereicherung und kognitive Verbesserungen
Expert advice on creating a winning resume and acing that first job interview as a recent graduate
AI-gegenereerde Amsterdamse HvA-studenten bespreken het gebruik van generatieve AI in het onderwijs. De ethische dilemma's en de regels van de HvA komen aan bod.
مناقشة حلول كراسة تدريبية للاختبار النهائي في مادة اللغة العربية للصف السادس، مع التركيز على الشعر، والبلاغة، والقواعد النحوية.
Explore the fundamental building blocks of life: elements, macromolecules, and cellular respiration explained simply.
Analyse critique d'études sur l'influence de la planification de l'étude du code alphabétique sur les performances des élèves en décodage au cours préparatoire. Discussion des méthodologies, des résultats et des implications pour l'enseignement de la lecture.
Den här podden dyker ner i konsten att skapa effektiva och engagerande onlinekurser med hjälp av pedagogiska principer och storytelling. Vi diskuterar användbara böcker och strategier för att skapa en onlinekurs som verkligen fångar elevernas intresse.
Language: Hungarian
A menedzsment I. kurzus anyagainak motivációval és szervezeti kultúrával kapcsolatos részeit járjuk körül viccesen és érthetően számos motivációs és szervezeti kultúra elmélet segítségével
Exploramos el reaprendizaje sucesivo, una técnica que combina la práctica de recuperación y el estudio espaciado para mejorar el aprendizaje y la memoria a largo plazo. Descubre cómo esta estrategia puede mejorar tu rendimiento académico.
Language: Polish
Podróż przez fascynujący świat rozwoju dziecka od pierwszych ruchów do złożonych aspektów społecznych i moralnych. Odkrywamy etapy rozwoju motorycznego, społecznego i moralnego, omawiając kluczowe aspekty i teorie.
Language: Hindi
इस एपिसोड में, हम दिसंबर 2024-25 के लिए बनाए गए एक स्कूल प्लानर पर चर्चा करते हैं जो पहली कक्षा के बच्चों के लिए एक शैक्षणिक कैलेंडर और प्रेरणादायक मार्गदर्शक दोनों का काम करता है। SMART लक्ष्य निर्धारण, आत्म-चिंतन, और पाठ्यक्रम विवरण सहित कई उपयोगी पहलुओं पर चर्चा की गई है।
Dive into the fascinating world of latent heat, exploring phase transitions, density, and the particle model of matter in a fun and engaging way
A deep dive into a university Integrated Marketing Communications assessment, exploring its design, grading rubric, and real-world application for students.
Join Sophia and Lily as they explore the fascinating world of biological macromolecules, from water's unique properties to the intricacies of proteins and nucleic acids. This episode is a comprehensive review of the fundamental building blocks of life.
Duik in de wereld van de fysische slinger met Alex en Sam! Ontdek demping, traagheidsmomenten en de onvermijdelijke wiskunde achter deze fascinerende beweging. Een podcast vol explosies van kennis en hilarische momenten!
Learn why mastering English reading unlocks opportunities, expands horizons, and connects you globally. Discover practical tips and strategies to boost your reading skills and unlock your potential.
Learn to speak with confidence and clarity This podcast provides fun and engaging tips and tricks to improve your communication skills
A deep dive into student attitudes towards college-level writing exploring the complexities of expectations, teaching methodologies and the evolving nature of writing itself.
A discussion on a new digital incident and complaint reporting system designed to streamline processes, enhance user privacy, and improve accountability in universities.
Wir erkunden Methoden zur Selbststärkung und Persönlichkeitsentwicklung basierend auf Sonja Salzsieders Präsentation - Selbstvertrauen, innere Ressourcen und praktische Anwendung im Fokus
Un viaggio semplice e chiaro nel mondo della chimica organica per adolescenti spiegando i legami del carbonio e la sua importanza per la vita.
Uncover the secrets behind effective research sampling methods Learn about probability and non-probability sampling techniques and how they impact research validity.
Mimarlıkta evrensel tasarım ilkelerini ve herkes için erişilebilir bir çevre oluşturmanın önemini ele alıyoruz Yaşlılar çocuklar engelliler ve geçici engelliler için tasarım çözümlerini tartışıyoruz
Language: Marathi
या एपिसोडमध्ये आपण भारतातील शाळा शिक्षण प्रणालीतील विद्यार्थ्यांच्या संख्येच्या वाढीपासून ते नवीन शिकवण्याच्या पद्धती आणि NEP च्या क्रांतिकारी बदलांपर्यंत अनेक आव्हानांची चर्चा करतो.
Wir diskutieren Werner Helsper's "Autorität und Schule" und analysieren die Ambivalenz der Lehrautorität in der sich verändernden Schulkultur. Die Herausforderungen und der Wandel der Lehrrolle werden beleuchtet.
Exploramos los perfiles profesionales en Ingeniería de Sistemas e Informática según ACM e IEEE incluyendo computación, software, ciberseguridad y ciencia de datos
Uma jornada fascinante pelo mundo da geografia para alunos do sétimo ano! Do básico ao avançado, este podcast cobre paisagens, mapas, projeções cartográficas, escalas, sistemas de informação geográfica (SIG) e muito mais, tornando o aprendizado divertido e envolvente.
Discover the amazing linguistic diversity of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa, exploring its major language families and the cultural significance of this rich heritage
Explore the incredible impact of a school's makerspace on student learning and engagement through VR experiences, environmental projects, and inclusive learning initiatives.
Exploramos las teorías de la comunicación humana desde la retórica griega hasta los modelos digitales modernos con humor y magia ¡Prepárense para un viaje teórico fascinante!
Explore the fascinating world of cell biology, uncovering the intricate social lives of cells, their organization into tissues, and the vital roles they play in maintaining our bodies.
A humorous look at standard deviation a statistical measure of data dispersion using cats and other relatable examples. Perfect for those who need a less-than-serious introduction to the concept.
Entdecke die faszinierende Vielfalt der deutschsprachigen Länder - von Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz bis zu Liechtenstein, Luxemburg und Südtirol. Eine Reise durch Sprache, Kultur und Geschichte.
Un progetto Erasmus+ rielabora fiabe classiche per promuovere l'uguaglianza di genere e altri valori importanti coinvolgendo giovani insegnanti e studenti
Neste episódio, exploramos a inteligência artificial generativa (IAGen) e seu impacto transformador na educação, discutindo os desafios éticos e as oportunidades para o futuro do aprendizado.
Learn IELTS speaking test strategies with sample Band 8 and 9 answers for Parts 2 and 3 This episode simulates the exam experience to boost your score
A conversation exploring self-awareness, personality, and the journey towards self-improvement using NU Clark course material as a guide
Analizamos el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en los trabajos académicos y los desafíos éticos que plantea el uso de herramientas como ChatGPT
Exploring the exciting yet challenging integration of artificial intelligence in education, examining both its potential and pitfalls as outlined in Juan Pescador's insightful document.
A lively discussion comparing and contrasting the fascinating processes of transcription in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Explore the complexities and differences in RNA polymerase, initiation, elongation, termination and splicing.
Exploramos el impacto de la inteligencia artificial en trabajos académicos y de investigación analizando un estudio sobre la detección de textos generados por IA. Discutimos las implicaciones éticas y los desafíos para la integridad académica.
Eleştirel düşünmenin temellerini, uygulamalarını ve karşılaşabileceğiniz zorlukları ele alıyoruz. Daha bilinçli kararlar almak ve etkili sorun çözme becerilerinizi geliştirmek için rehber niteliğinde bir bölüm.
Dieser Podcast erklärt Schritt für Schritt wie man einen formellen Brief auf Deutsch auf B1 Niveau schreibt perfekt für Deutschlernende
PhD के दौरान समय का प्रभावी प्रबंधन कैसे करें, इस पर एक उपयोगी मार्गदर्शन। उत्पादकता बढ़ाने के टिप्स, समय प्रबंधन तकनीकें, और स्व-देखभाल की अहमियत पर चर्चा।
A deep dive into the solutions of a projective geometry exam from Utrecht University in 2024 We explore key concepts like cross-ratios, harmonic division, Desargues' Theorem, and Pascal's Theorem.
Neste episódio, discutimos os impactos da inteligência artificial na educação superior, focando na necessidade de repensar as estratégias pedagógicas e preparar profissionais para o futuro. Exploramos a automação, a personalização do ensino, o papel dos professores e a importância do pensamento crítico.
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